Submitted to: Southern Plant Conference
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 9/7/2007 Publication Date: 9/7/2007 Citation: Rinehart, T.A. 2007. Molecular Tools for Plant Protection, True-to-Name Verification and Parentage Analysis. Southern Plant Conference. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: DNA-based tools are available to improve ornamental plant cultivars through accelerated breeding and other practical applications. Highlights include examples where DNA fingerprints identified mislabeled cultivars, verified the renaming of cultivars and demonstrated some similar-looking cultivars are actually genetically unique. Examples include how molecular tools were used to determine the parentage of new hydrangea cultivars such as 'Midnight Duchess' and 'Queen of Pearls' and also unambiguously confirm the parentage of 'Blushing Bride'. The same technology can be applied to "true to name" guarantees, and plant labeling disputes and be used to enhance plant patent applications. Molecular tools for crapemyrtle will also be discussed. In spite of the effort invested into the development of these molecular markers, end users will be surprised with how economical they may be to use. |