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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Pullman, Washington » Animal Disease Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #218161

Title: Genomic analysis of Ovis aries (Ovar)MHC Class IIa loci

item Hoesing, Lynn
item White, Stephen
item Kappmeyer, Lowell
item Herndon, David
item Knowles Jr, Donald

Submitted to: Immunogenetics
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/9/2008
Publication Date: 6/3/2008
Citation: Hoesing, L.M., White, S.N., Kappmeyer, L.S., Herndon, D.R., Knowles Jr, D.P. 2008. Genomic analysis of Ovis aries (Ovar)MHC Class IIa loci. Immunogenetics. 60(3):167-176.

Interpretive Summary: The major histocompatibility complex class II proteins DR and DQ are responsible for presenting antigens to T-lymphocytes. A bacterial artificial chromosome library was constructed from genomic DNA isolated from the peripheral blood leukocytes of a Rambouillet ram. A clone containing MHC class II DQB2, DQA2, DQB1, DQA1, and DRB1 loci was completely sequenced. S This is the first report showing the orientation of the these five loci with respect to one another and is the first finished ruminant sequence for the MHC class IIa region.

Technical Abstract: Determining the genomic organization of the Ovis aries (Ovar) major histocompatibility complex class IIa region is essential for future functional studies related to antigen presentation. In this study, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of genomic DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of a Rambouillet ram was constructed, and BAC clone consisting of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DQB2, DQA2, DQB1, DQA1, and DRB1 loci was identified and completely sequenced. The BAC clone consists of 160,889bp of finished sequence with the loci arranged in the following order: DQB2, DQA2, DQB1, DQA1, and DRB1 with 14.3Kb, 25Kb, 6.6Kb, and 40.9Kb spanning between the loci, respectively. All five of these loci were transcribed in the animal used to generate the MHC class II BAC clone. Repeat or retrotransposable elements along with MHC class II cis promoter elements consisting of S, X, and Y boxes were identified in the sequence. In addition, sixteen noncoding conserved sequences amongst primates, carnivores, and ruminants were identified (p<0.001). These conserved sequences include binding sites for transcription factors with known roles in immune cells, and they provide a basis for further functional investigation of the genes in this region. This is the first ruminant finished sequence of the DQB2-DRB1 region, and this sequence information will aid in whole genome and transcriptome analyses of MHC class II.