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Title: Registration of FC221 Multigerm Sugarbeet Germplasm with Multiple Disease Resistance.

item Panella, Leonard
item Lewellen, Robert
item Hanson, Linda

Submitted to: Germplasm Release
Publication Type: Germplasm Release
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/22/2007
Publication Date: 11/26/2000
Citation: Panella, L.W., Lewellen, R.T., Hanson, L.E. 2000. Registration of FC221 Multigerm Sugarbeet Germplasm with Multiple Disease Resistance. Germplasm Release.

Interpretive Summary: ‘FC220’ and ‘FC221’ (PI 651015 and PI 651016) sugarbeet germplasms were released from 05-FC1030-15 (Sp) and 05-FC1030-16 (Sp) seed lots, respectively, and tested under those designations and as 03-FC1030-15 and 03-FC1030-16, respectively. They were developed by the USDA-ARS, at Fort Collins, CO, and at Salinas, CA, in cooperation with the Beet Sugar Development Foundation (BSDF), Denver, CO. FC220 and FC221 are multigerm sugarbeet germplasms in fertile cytoplasm, segregating for self-fertility and hypocotyl color. Both have good resistance to Rhizoctonia root rot and are segregating for resistance to rhizomania. These germplasms have moderate resistance to Aphanomyces root rot (Aphanomyces black root). FC221 shows a moderate resistance to Beet curly top virus, but FC220 does not. FC220 shows resistance to the sugarbeet root aphid but FC221 does not. Both germplasms are moderately susceptibility to cercospora leaf spot. FC220 and FC221 have shown favorable yield characteristics when evaluated as lines or in experimental hybrids under rhizomania conditions at Salinas, CA. Under these conditions, FC220, as a line and in hybrid combinations, had a slight to significantly higher sucrose concentration than FC221. FC220 and FC221 are populations from which to select disease-resistant, multigerm pollinator parents.

Technical Abstract: ‘FC220’ and ‘FC221’ (PI 651015 and PI 651016) sugarbeet germplasms (Beta vulgaris L.) were released from 05-FC1030-15 (Sp) and 05-FC1030-16 (Sp) seed lots, respectively, and tested under those designations and as 03-FC1030-15 and 03-FC1030-16, respectively. They were developed by the USDA-ARS, at Fort Collins, CO, and at Salinas, CA, in cooperation with the Beet Sugar Development Foundation (BSDF), Denver, CO. FC220 and FC221 are multigerm sugarbeet germplasms in fertile cytoplasm, segregating for self-fertility and hypocotyl color. Both have good resistance to root-rotting strains (AG-2-2) of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn and are segregating for the Rz1 gene, which confers resistance to some strains of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the causal agent of rhizomania. These germplasms have moderate resistance to Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechsl., which causes aphanomyces root rot (aphanomyces black root). FC221 shows a moderate resistance to Beet curly top virus, but FC220 does not. FC220 shows resistance to the sugarbeet root aphid (Pemphigus sp.) but FC221 does not. Both germplasms are moderately susceptibility to cercospora leaf spot, caused by Cercospora beticola Sacc. FC220 and FC221 have shown favorable yield characteristics when evaluated as lines or in experimental hybrids under rhizomania conditions at Salinas, CA. Under these conditions, FC220, as a line and in hybrid combinations, had a slight to significantly higher sucrose concentration than FC221. FC220 and FC221 are populations from which to select disease-resistant, multigerm pollinator parents.