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ARS Home » Midwest Area » St. Paul, Minnesota » Soil and Water Management Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #229458

Title: Mitigation of Pesticide Transport with Runoff from Fairway Turf Using Management Practices

item Rice, Pamela
item Hamlin, Jennifer
item Kramer, Kirsten

Submitted to: Trade Journal Publication
Publication Type: Research Notes
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/3/2008
Publication Date: 7/11/2008
Citation: Rice, P.J., Horgan, B.P., Rittenhouse, J.L., Kramer, K.E. 2008. Mitigation of Pesticide Transport with Runoff from Fairway Turf Using Management Practices. Trade Journal Publication. Available:

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Chemical pollutants have been detected in surface waters of urban and rural areas. As a result, attempts are being made to identify the sources of these compounds and reduce their inputs. The use of pesticides in highly managed turf systems has raised questions concerning the contribution of runoff from managed turf. Experiments were designed to measure the quantity of pesticides transported with runoff from turf plots maintained as a golf course fairway, and to evaluate the ability of management practices to reduce the transport of applied chemicals with runoff. Half of the plots were managed with solid tine aerification while the remaining plots received hollow tine aerification. Management practices were initiated 2 and 63 days prior to chemical application and simulation of precipitation. Runoff volumes and quantities of pesticides transported with runoff were reduced in fairway turf plots managed with hollow tines relative to solid tines. Similar trends in pesticide loads between the two aerification practices were observed when the duration of time between management practice and runoff increased from 2d to 63d; however, the differences between pesticide loads associated with the two aerification practices declined with time. Understanding chemical transport with runoff and identifying strategies that reduce off-site transport of applied chemicals will increase their effectiveness at intended sites of application and will minimize undesirable impacts to surrounding areas.