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Title: Selecting salmonids to better utilize plant based diets.

item Overturf, Kenneth
item Gaylord, Thomas
item Barrows, Frederic

Submitted to: American Oil Chemists' Society Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/18/2007
Publication Date: 5/18/2008
Citation: Overturf, K.E., Gaylord, T.G., Barrows, F. 2008. Selecting salmonids to better utilize plant based diets. Book of Abstracts American Oil Chemists' Society Meeting and Expo May 18-May 21, Seattle, Washington.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Evaluation of genotype by diet interactions in aquaculture species for specific dietary components has only recently begun on a limited basis. Initial studies have examined such species as rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Because of the high-protein diet these species consume in the wild, commercial diets have relied heavily on fish meal and oil as protein and energy sources. Other omnivorous fish species such as tilapia and catfish have demonstrated a greater proclivity for utilizing plant feedstuffs and carbohydrate for energy, but little research has been performed on these species in regards to precise physiological changes in accord with nutrient modification or selection to later performance on specific feed types. Research performed in other agriculture animal systems, such as cattle and poultry, have found alterations in specific physiological traits for different strains. These changes have also been found to significantly correlate with individual genes in research done with murine and laboratory fish models. This research is now being applied to aquaculture. Initial findings have varied between stocks and with different diets, but as the technology and experimental designs improve, it appears that this research will prove important for optimizing diets and carnivorous fish species for enhanced utilization of sustainable plant and oil products.