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ROSAUER, DAN - Great Lakes Water Institute |
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BINKOWSKI, FRED - Great Lakes Water Institute |
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Shepherd, Brian |
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GOETZ, FREDERICK - Great Lakes Water Institute |
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 11/2/2009 Publication Date: 3/1/2010 Citation: Rosauer, D., Binkowski, F., Shepherd, B.S., Goetz, F. 2010. Development of Genetically Defined Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) Broodstocks: Results of Performance Trial on F1 Generations [abstract]. In: 2010 World Aquaculture Society Meeting, March 1-5, 2010, San Diego, California. 2010. CDROM (Abstract 854). Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: We have begun a selection program for the improvement of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) aquaculture involving the development of genetically defined broodstocks. To initiate the program, 16 wild North American populations were analyzed using published and newly developed microsatellites (Grzybowski et al., Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 2009 [in press]). This analysis resulted in two distinct clusters, one from the Midwest and one from the East Coast. From these clusters, we selected 3 populations (Perquimans River, North Carolina; Choptank River, Maryland; and Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin) to develop broodstocks from. Pre-spawn adults were captured from the wild and spawned by hand. Single-pairwise crosses were made and fin clips collected from the parents for genetic analysis. Egg strands were incubated in individual aquaria at the Great Lakes WATER Institute (Milwaukee, WI). Each strain had a community rearing tank into which equal numbers of fry per cross were hand counted 1-day post hatch. When the fish in each strain averaged 1.5-2g, 650 individuals were stocked into 4 replicate tanks for a 10-month grow-out period at 20°C. Growth was monitored by collecting weights and lengths on 10% of the individuals every 15 days. At ~30g, 4 size classes were determined by weight, and 15 fin clips/size class/tank were collected to determine parentage by microsatellites used for the initial population analysis. At the end of the grow-out period, significant differences were found in both the weight and length between the strains. Weight was significantly different between all strains (Perquimans = 138.12 +/- 3.45, Choptank = 126.7g +/-2.43 and Winnebago = 52.08g+/-1.24). There were no differences in length between Perquimans and Choptank, but both were significantly different from Winnebago (Perquimans = 20.80 cm+/- 1.45, Choptank 20.41cm +/- 1.31, Winnebago = 16.22cm +/- 0.96). The microsatellite analysis indicated unequal family composition within the four different size classes in all 3 strains. Dominance of certain size classes by families and family size trends were noted in this process. From the performance trial, the top 50% based on size were kept for further broodstock development. All individuals were pit-tagged and fin-clipped for parentage analysis to avoid inbreeding when crossing for subsequent generations. These broodstock were cycled under temperature and photoperiods coincident with the environment from which they originated. The cycling induced spawning and crosses were made for F2 generation. Currently the F2 generation is undergoing a similar grow-out performance trial as with the F1 generation. |