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Title: Melon landraces of India: contributions and importance

item DHILLON, NPS - Punjab Agricultural University
item MONFORTE, ANTONIO - Instituto De Biologia
item PITRAT, MICHEL - Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
item PANDEY, SUDHAKAR - Indian Institute Of Horticultural Research
item SINGH KUMAR, PRAVEN - Indian Institute Of Horticultural Research
item REITSMA, KATHLEEN - Iowa State University
item GARCIA-MAS, JORDI - Institute De Recerca I Tecnologia Agroalimentaries (IRTA)
item SHARMA, ABHISHEK - Punjab Agricultural University
item McCreight, James

Submitted to: Plant Breeding Reviews
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/10/2010
Publication Date: 1/10/2012
Citation: Dhillon, N., Monforte, A., Pitrat, M., Pandey, S., Singh Kumar, P., Reitsma, K.R., Garcia-Mas, J., Sharma, A., Mccreight, J.D. 2012. Melon landraces of India: contributions and importance. In: Janick, J., editor. Plant Breeding Reviews. John Wiley & Sons. p. 85-150.

Interpretive Summary: Melons comprise an economically important group of vegetable and fruit crops worldwide. In the U.S.A they are primarily the familiar dessert fruits cantaloupe or muskmelon, and honeydew, but the mixed melons are also somewhat known: Casaba, Juane Canary, and Crenshaw. Like many crops they are affected by numerous and yield or quality-limiting diseases and insect pests. Melon germplasm from India, an important center of genetic diversity for melon, has provided numerous genes useful for development of varieties resistant to fungal diseases such as downy mildew and powdery mildew, viral diseases such as watermelon mosaic virus, and insects such as the melon aphid, an important vector of several viral diseases. This review describes the many Indian melon accessions proven useful for various disease and insect resistance traits. Their contributions to improvement of melon flavor, vitamin and mineral components, and molecular biology and breeding of melon are also reviewed.

Technical Abstract: None.