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Title: Developing tools for long-term breeding of blueberry germplasm for UK production

item MCCALLUM, SUSAN - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item JORGENSEN, LINZI - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item GRAHAM, JULIE - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item HACKETT, CHRISTINE - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item HANCOCK, ROB - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item MACKENZIE, BLAIR - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item HALLETT, PAUL - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item BRENNAN, REX - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item GORDON, SANDRA - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item WOODHEAD, MARY - Scottish Crop Research Institute
item Rowland, Lisa
item Bassil, Nahla
item BUCK, EMILY - New Zealand Institute For Crop & Food Research
item HANCOCK, JAMES - Michigan State University

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/14/2010
Publication Date: 7/25/2010
Citation: Mccallum, S., Jorgensen, L., Graham, J., Hackett, C., Hancock, R., Mackenzie, B., Hallett, P., Brennan, R., Gordon, S., Woodhead, M., Rowland, L.J., Bassil, N.V., Buck, E., Hancock, J. 2010. Developing tools for long-term breeding of blueberry germplasm for UK production. Meeting Abstract. 2010:p.37.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Fruit consumption in the UK, particularly of berry fruits, is expanding rapidly, and consumer demand for blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) is at record levels with UK growers unable to meet current demand. There is great potential for UK growers to supply high-quality fresh blueberries across a wide season so that consumption of this healthy fruit can be integrated in the British diet. A genetic framework for future crop improvement is required to develop a thriving and sustainable industry. The genetic component of this project aims to build on the statistical developments derived from the software programme, TetraploidMap, to identify fruit quality, health and agronomic related quantitative trait loci (QTL) in tetraploid blueberry for marker assisted breeding. A mapping population developed from two key US blueberry cultivars segregating for a number of important phenotypic traits and a selection of EST based molecular markers have been made available. Marker data will be analyzed to see whether blueberry shows the simplest model for meiosis, random chromosomal segregation, or whether it is necessary to use a more complicated model where it may be necessary to develop the TetraploidMap software further. The mapping population will be assessed for similar characteristics as a range of current cultivars over different seasons with further data available from the same mapping population planted across the US as part of the Specialty Crop Research Initiative. Once the linkage map has been developed we can proceed to QTL mapping of data from the key traits assessed in the project.