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Title: Tubakia seoraksanensis sp. nov., a new species from Korea

item YUN, H.Y. - Collaborator
item Rossman, Amy

Submitted to: Mycotaxon
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/2/2011
Publication Date: 6/2/2011
Citation: Yun, H., Rossman, A.Y. 2011. Tubakia seoraksanensis sp. nov., a new species from Korea. Mycotaxon. 115:369-373.

Interpretive Summary: Fungi cause serious diseases of plants including hardwood trees. Knowledge of fungi that cause diseases throughout the world is essential for safeguarding against the entry of these pathogens. In this paper a fungus that causes a disease of an oak tree was discovered in the mountains of Korea. Because the fungus was not known before, it is described, illustrated, and compared with similar related fungi. This research will be used by forest pathologists and plant quarantine officials to guard against the entry into the U.S. of this fungal pathogen.

Technical Abstract: An unknown species of Tubakia (Diaporthales, Ascomycota) was collected recently from Quercus mongolica on Seoraksan Mountain, GangWon province in Korea. It was characterized with cultural, ITS region sequence, and morphologial data. After comparison with known species of Tubakia, this species is described as Tubakia seoraksanensis sp. nov.