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Title: VEGFA164_B mRNA abundance has a positive relationship to AMH, BCL2 and the ratio of E2:A4 in mural granulosa cells of estrogen active and inactive follicles prior to ovulation

item SUMMERS, ADAM - University Of Nebraska
item POHLMEIER, WILLIAM - University Of Nebraska
item MCFEE, RENE - University Of Nebraska
item BRAUER, VANESSA - University Of Nebraska
item KURZ, SCOTT - University Of Nebraska
item Cushman, Robert - Bob
item WOOD, JENNIFER - University Of Nebraska
item CUPP, ANDREA - University Of Nebraska

Submitted to: Biology of Reproduction Abstracts
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/13/2012
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Previously, we reported differential expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGFA) isoforms in somatic cells from bovine females of differing fertility. Thus, we sought to determine how expression of VEGFA pro and antiangiogenic isoforms were regulated after synchronization protocols that stimulated normal or persistent follicle development. Furthermore, we examined relationships between VEGFA isoforms, steroid hormones and genes that regulate follicular development in mural granulosa cells and cumulus oocyte complexes (COC). Our hypothesis was that dominant estrogen active (EA) follicles would have greater mRNA abundance of VEGFA angiogenic isoforms and genes that stimulate follicle development; while estrogen inactive (EI) follicles would contain greater mRNA expression of VEGFA antiangiogenic isoforms. Thirty-five composite beef cows [75% MARC III (1/4 Angus, 1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Pinzgauer, 1/4 Red Poll) and 25% Red Angus] were treated with either 1) a modified Co-Synch protocol (CIDR) or 2) injected with prostaglandin and offered Melengesterol Acetate (MGA) for 14 days. Dominant follicle aspirations were performed 18, 36, and 60 hours after the last PGF2alpha injection utilizing transvaginal ultrasound guided ovum pickup. Follicular fluid steroid hormone concentrations were determined via RIA (E2 and P4) or ELISA (A4). Follicles were then classified as EA (E2:P4 > 1) or as EI (E2:P4