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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Charleston, South Carolina » Vegetable Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #283184

Title: Glucosinolate variation among six cultigens of broccoli grown in five diverse east coast locations

item SAMS, C - University Of Tennessee
item KOPSELL, D - University Of Tennessee
item Farnham, Mark
item GRIFFITHS, P - Cornell University
item HUTTON, M - University Of Maine
item DAVIS, J - North Carolina State University
item MORRIS, W - Virginia Polytechnic Institution & State University

Submitted to: HortScience
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/2/2012
Publication Date: 10/15/2012
Citation: Sams, C.E., Kopsell, D.A., Farnham, M.W., Griffiths, P.D., Hutton, M., Davis, J.M., Morris, W. 2012. Glucosinolate variation among six cultigens of broccoli grown in five diverse east coast locations. HortScience. 47(9):S358.

Interpretive Summary: N/A

Technical Abstract: Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) consumption has increased in the United States, driven at least partially by recognition that it is highly nutritious and contains high concentrations of glucosinolates (GS). Glucosinolates are secondary metabolites in broccoli that when digested have a detoxifying effect. In particular, glucoraphanin and other GSs present in broccoli break down into anti-carcinogenic isothiocyanates (ITCs). The GS data presented here is part of a USDA–SCRI sponsored research project aimed at improving the consistency and profitability of broccoli production under growing conditions in the eastern United States. This project consists of a multi-disciplinary team of plant breeders, physiologists, production specialists, and economists. The team’s goal is to develop a substantial eastern broccoli industry in the next 5–10 years. Producing broccoli in the eastern United States will reduce shipping cost and contribute to a more regionally based food production system. Broccoli production has traditionally been more challenging in this region due to variability in climatic conditions. Eastern climates often result in greater plant stress and disease incidences, resulting in inconsistent yield and quality. Therefore, the major emphasis of this project is to develop cultivars better adapted to production in the eastern United States while improving consistency in yield and nutritional quality. Since GSs are a significant health benefit of broccoli consumption and play a role in plant pest resistance; one of our team goals is to increase GS concentrations in new cultivars. The data in this presentation represent an effort to determine the genetic and environmental factors that have the greatest influence on GS profiles among current broccoli germplasm. Six cultigens were grown at five locations and two different time frames (production seasons) at each location. Floret tissue was analyzed for a complete profile of GS. Glucosinolate concentrations were significantly influenced by cultigens, location, season, and their interactions. The genetic and environmental factors associated with individual and total GSs will be discussed. The data from these first year evaluations will used by team members to improve consistency of quality in future broccoli cultivars and productions systems.