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Title: Registration of Lynx Winter Pea

item McGee, Rebecca
item NELSON, HOWARD - Central Washington Grain Growers
item MCPHEE, KEVIN - North Dakota State University

Submitted to: Journal of Plant Registrations
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/18/2013
Publication Date: 4/5/2013
Citation: Mcgee, R.J., Nelson, H., Mcphee, K., Chen, C. 2013. Registration of Lynx Winter Pea. Journal of Plant Registrations. 7:261-264.

Interpretive Summary: Cool season grain legumes, including pea (Pisum sativum L.), are integral components of cereal-based cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest and North Central US. There is a need to develop rotational autumn-sown crops in regions that traditionally plant autumn- sown small grains and especially in areas with low rainfall where summer fallow is part of the rotation scheme. The addition of a pulse crop helps break disease and weed cycles and adds nitrogen and organic matter to the soil. Autumn-sown, or winter, peas are cool season annual legumes that are highly preferred by Cervidae (deer, elk, moose, caribou and reindeer). Autumn-sown peas, either as a solid stand or as a component in a mix including small grains and brassicas, are an important component in wildlife food plots. They make a high-quality forage and protein content ranges from 14% to over 20%. Autumn-sown peas begin growing very in the spring and can be one of the earliest forages in food plots and can be important in helping wildlife recover from winter conditions. This article describes and registers a ‘stand-up’ winter pea suited for low rainfall, low snow-cover areas. The release of ‘Lynx’ will provide the wildlife food plot industry a green cotyledon winter pea with adaptation to the Palouse region of the US Pacific Northwest and the low rainfall regions of north central Washington, Montana and North Dakota.

Technical Abstract: ‘Lynx’ (PS05300180W) is a cold tolerant, autumn-sown pea. It is semi-leafless (af), has short internodes (le), white flowers (a) and green seeds (i) with a clear seed coat (a) without mottling and a clear hilum (pl). The combination of seed size and color make it acceptable as a food quality green pea. Its relatively short stature and semi-leafless foliage make it desirable for ease of harvest and improved seed quality. ‘Lynx’ is derived from an F6 selection from the cross PS9530174/PS9530726. PS9530174 and PS9530726 are F6-derived sister lines from the cross CAH-61/D258-1-3. It was evaluated in yield trials for a total of 17 location years in the states of Washington, Montana and North Dakota. Over all environments, seed yield of ‘Lynx’ averaged 2831 kg/ha compared to 1745 kg/ha for ‘Whistler’, 2822 kg/ha for ‘Windham’ and 2543 kg/ha for ‘Specter’. The average weight of 100 seeds of ‘Lynx’ is 13.8g compared to 12.6g, 16.6g and 13.7g for ‘Specter’, ‘Whistler’ and ‘Windham’, respectively. The major production and potential production regions for winter peas in the Pacific Northwest are the Palouse (southeast Washington and northwest Idaho) and the north central regions of the state of Washington, central and eastern Montana and eastern North Dakota.