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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Tifton, Georgia » Crop Protection and Management Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #290757

Title: Influence of preplant applications of 2,4-D, dicamba, tribenuron, and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron on peanut

item PROSTKO, E - University Of Georgia
item GREY, T - University Of Georgia
item Johnson, Wiley
item JORDAN, D - North Carolina State University
item GRICHAR, W - Texas A&M Agricultural Experiment Station
item BESLER, B - Texas A&M Agricultural Experiment Station
item BREWER, K - Texas A&M Agricultural Experiment Station
item EASTIN, E - University Of Georgia

Submitted to: Peanut Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/21/2002
Publication Date: 6/4/2003
Citation: Prostko, E.P., Grey, T.L., Johnson, W.C., Jordan, D.L., Grichar, W.J., Besler, B.A., Brewer, K.D., Eastin, E.F. 2003. Influence of preplant applications of 2,4-D, dicamba, tribenuron, and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron on peanut. Peanut Science. 30:18-22.

Interpretive Summary: Some broadleaf weeds are not adequately controlled with burn-down herbicides in conservation-tillage peanut production. Additional herbicides will improve control of these weeds, but there are concerns about residual effects injuring peanut. Field trials were conducted in Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas to evaluate the effects of preplant applications of 2,4-D, dicamba, tribenuron, and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron on peanut yield. Herbicides were applied 30, 15, 7, or 0 days before planting (DBP) in conventional production systems in Georgia and Texas, and 28, 21, 14, 7, and 0 DBP in no- and strip-tillage systems in North Carolina. Amine and ester formulations of 2,4-D did not affect peanut yield at any time of application in any state. Dicamba reduced peanut yield when applied at 0 DBP in two of seven trials. Tribenuron did not affect peanut yield regardless of preplant interval. However, tribenuron plus thifensulfuron reduced yields when applied at 7 DBP in one of five trials. These data suggest that 2,4-D, tribenuron, and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron can be safely used for preplant weed control in peanut in conservation-tillage systems when applied 7 DBP. Dicamba should be applied a minimum of 15 DBP.

Technical Abstract: Field trials were conducted in Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas to evaluate the effects of preplant applications of 2,4-D, dicamba, tribenuron, and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron on peanut yield. Herbicides were applied 30, 15, 7, or 0 days before planting (DBP) in conventional production systems in Georgia and Texas, and 28, 21, 14, 7, and 0 DBP in no- and strip-tillage systems in North Carolina. Amine and ester formulations of 2,4-D did not affect peanut yield at any time of application in any state. Dicamba reduced peanut yield when applied at 0 DBP in two of seven trials. Tribenuron did not affect peanut yield regardless of preplant interval. However, tribenuron plus thifensulfuron reduced yields when applied at 7 DBP in one of five trials. These data suggest that 2,4-D, tribenuron, and tribenuron plus thifensulfuron can be safely used for preplant weed control in peanut when applied 7 DBP. Dicamba should be applied a minimum of 15 DBP.