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Title: Response of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) to an attract-and-kill trap in greenhouse cage tests

item Yokoyama, Victoria

Submitted to: Journal of Insect Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/2/2014
Publication Date: 11/23/2014
Citation: Yokoyama, V.Y. 2014. Response of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) to an attract-and-kill trap in greenhouse cage tests. Journal of Insect Science. 14(250):1-5.

Interpretive Summary: Olive fruit fly is the number one pest of table olives in California, the only state that produces canned olives for the nation. Growers seek environmentally friendly and economical methods to control the pest because insect damage is not allowed in canned fruit. Attract and kill traps are designed to bait and lure flies to the device and kill the insects with an insecticide. A yellow pan trap was constructed from ordinary materials and designed to attract olive fruit fly by providing a cool refuge in warm inland valley olive orchards. An organic insecticide was sprayed on the bottom and the devices were tested in the greenhouse. Olive fruit fly was attracted to the novel pan shape of the trap, especially in warmer temperatures. Implementation of these unique control devices will help olive growers reduce the amount of insecticides used in orchards and cut costs in their pest management programs.

Technical Abstract: A novel attract and kill trap for olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), was constructed with yellow corrugated plastic in a pan shape formed from a disk and collar. The pan trap components were tested under three different greenhouse temperatures and humidities, warm, hot, and very hot, for attractiveness to caged immature or mature adults. A greater proportion of adults regardless of age were found on the bottom of the devices including disks, pan traps, and pan traps with lures, and test units of pan traps sprayed with water, insecticidal bait, and with lures. The effect was related to lower temperatures on the bottom compared to the top and the intolerance of the pest to heat. The circular collar added to the perimeter of the disk that formed the pan trap top made the attract and kill trap more attractive to adults than the disk alone. Lures or bait sprays did not increase adult attraction; therefore lures were not needed for efficacy. The pan trap was especially attractive to adults when temperatures were high by providing shelter from the heat. At very high temperatures the pan trap became unattractive due to heating of the construction materials. Pan traps sprayed with water on the underside attracted the highest number of adults. Greenhouse tests showed that the pan trap design has potential as an attract and kill device for olive fruit fly control.