Submitted to: Popular Publication
Publication Type: Popular Publication Publication Acceptance Date: 10/20/2012 Publication Date: 3/31/2013 Citation: Reba, M.L. 2013. Monitoring agricultural water quality and water quantity in Arkansas: A statewide, collaborative effort. Popular Publication. 3(3):10-11. Interpretive Summary: A description of the statewide monitoring network for water quantity and water quality in the state of Arkansas. Researchers from University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, Arkansas State University and USDA-ARS came together to form a network of monitoring locations in the state of Arkansas focused on agricultural water quality and water quantity. In all, 30 monitoring locations have been established on 12 separate farms where rice, soybean, cotton, corn, poultry and beef are produced. The monitoring sites began as either the monitoring component of individual USDA-NRCS Mississippi River Healthy Basins Initiative (MRBI) project areas or as part of the Arkansas Discovery Farm program. Working together these producers, researchers, agency personnel and stakeholder groups have started an aggressive monitoring network that will help propel Arkansas agriculture into the future as leaders in production, land stewardship and soil and water conservation. Technical Abstract: A description of the statewide monitoring network for water quantity and water quality in the state of Arkansas. Researchers from University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, Arkansas State University and USDA-ARS came together to form a network of monitoring locations in the state of Arkansas focused on agricultural water quality and water quantity. In all, 30 monitoring locations have been established on 12 separate farms where rice, soybean, cotton, corn, poultry and beef are produced. The monitoring sites began as either the monitoring component of individual USDA-NRCS Mississippi River Healthy Basins Initiative (MRBI) project areas or as part of the Arkansas Discovery Farm program. Producers work closely with researchers to implement conservation practices and are the key to the early success of the statewide network. Working together these producers, researchers, agency personnel and stakeholder groups have started an aggressive monitoring network that will help propel Arkansas agriculture into the future as leaders in production, land stewardship and soil and water conservation. |