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Title: Copper toxicity in aquaculture: A practical approach

item Ledbetter, Cynthia
item Farmer, Bradley
item Beck, Benjamin
item SUMMERLIN, CURTIS - Mississippi Department Of Wildlife, Fisheries, And Parks
item Straus, David

Submitted to: Aquaculture America 2015-Book of Abstracts
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/26/2014
Publication Date: 2/19/2015
Citation: Ledbetter, C.K., Farmer, B.D., Beck, B.H., Summerlin, C., Straus, D.L. 2015. Copper toxicity in aquaculture: A practical approach [abstract]. Aquaculture America 2015-Book of Abstracts. p. 276.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Copper sulfate is used as a therapeutant for various applications in aquaculture. There is a great deal of information on the toxicity of copper, especially in low-alkalinity waters; however, much of this information is fragmented, and a comprehensive guide of copper toxicity and safe concentrations in various water chemistries is not available. Historical data does not always include alkalinity, which is crucial when determining toxicity. This data would be particularly useful across a wide range of species. Experiments have been initiated to observe the toxicity and safe levels of copper sulfate in 5 reconstituted waters, per APHA methods, on several species of fish, bacteria, parasites and algae. The alkalinity of these synthetic waters ranges from 10 – 245 mg/L, and the hardness ranges from 10 – 320 mg/L (each as CaCO3). Data include a 48h LC50 value for each species in each water as well as the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC). Histology will be used to compare the control fish to the NOEC and LOEC fish. This baseline information can be used to approximate safe treatment levels; however, application must be tailored to fit specific species and individual water quality and chemistry.