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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Houma, Louisiana » Sugarcane Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #314364

Title: Yield stability in genotypes derived through basic breeding

item Hale, Anna
item VIATOR, RYAN - Calvin Viator & Associates
item White Jr, Paul
item Webber Iii, Charles

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/30/2015
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The sugarcane variety ‘LCP 85-384’ was derived through basic (introgression) breeding, and after its release in 1995, the variety quickly gained acreage in the state of Louisiana. The primary reason for the popularity of the variety was the plant vigor and increase in the number of ratoon harvests over the other leading varieties at the time. This variety is a frequently-used parent in Louisiana breeding programs because of its wide adaptability to the local environment, and currently a majority of varieties in the state are related to LCP85-384. Today, there is a need to develop the next generation of parental varieties with a broader genetic base. The current practice in the commercial variety testing program drops test material after a poor performance in a plant-cane or first-ratoon crop; thus many promising varieties are never tested into later ratoons. The lack of data on ratooning ability for many of the parental clones limits a breeder’s ability to consider late-ratoon stability when making cross combinations. The efforts of the basic breeding program are ongoing, and new parental material is advanced to the commercial program on a regular basis. Seven breeding lines that were recently advanced to the commercial program were tested alongside the three leading commercial varieties in the state. The test was planted on a heavy clay soil, which typically is difficult to cultivate and puts added stress on ratoons, and cultural practices which increase plant-stress were also utilized. The average yield reduction in basic varieties between plant cane and first ratoon was 33 percent while the average reduction of the commercial varieties was 40 percent. Data from the plant-cane and first-ratoon harvest demonstrates the potential ability of some newly-advanced basic varieties to compete with commercial standards. The study is ongoing, but results thus far indicate many of the varieties derived from the basic breeding program have yield stability that surpasses that of the leading commercial varieties.