Location: Wheat Health, Genetics, and Quality Research
Title: Empirical rheology and pasting properties of soft-textured durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) and hard-textured common wheat (T. aestivum)Author
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QUAYSON, E - University Of Minnesota |
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ATWELL, W - University Of Minnesota |
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Morris, Craig |
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MARTI, A - University Of Milan |
Submitted to: Journal of Cereal Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Acceptance Date: 3/25/2016 Publication Date: 5/4/2016 Publication URL: http://handle.nal.usda.gov/10113/62423 Citation: Quayson, E.T., Atwell, W., Morris, C.F., Marti, A. 2016. Empirical rheology and pasting properties of soft-textured durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) and hard-textured common wheat (T. aestivum). Journal of Cereal Science. 69:252-258. Interpretive Summary: • This study aimed at investigating the effects of PINs (puroindolines) expression or deletion on pasting properties, gluten aggregation, mixing profile, and extensibility of soft-textured durum and hard-textured wheat. This study intends to improve the understanding of the puroindolines role in wheat quality and utilization. This study highlighted that: • PINs delayed gluten aggregation, likely due to the formation of PINs-lipid complexes that surround gluten proteins. • PINs restricted starch water absorption and swelling during heating • PINs decreased dough stability an indication that PINs interact with glutens • PINs improved the resistance to extension only in doughs prepared from soft wheat flour without affecting dough extensibility Technical Abstract: Puroindoline (PIN) proteins are the molecular basis for wheat kernel texture classification and affect flour milling performance. This study aimed at investigating the effect of PINs on kernel physical characteristics and dough rheological properties of common wheat (Alpowa cv, soft wheat) and durum wheat (Svevo cv) flours in which the gene for PINs was deleted (Alpowa 5DS distal end deletion) or expressed (Soft Svevo). The presence of PINs affected flour particle size and damaged starch content. The presence of PINs was negatively associated with the energy required for gluten aggregation (measured by GlutoPeak device) and the farinographic dough stability, suggesting gluten weakness. As regards dough extensibility, the role of PINs was evident only in the case of common wheat: 5DS distal end deletion increased the resistance to extension, without affecting the dough extensibility. Presence of PINs increased the pasting temperature and breakdown viscosity, while the effects on peak viscosity and setback viscosity were not consistent. This study showed that PINs affect physical and dough rheological properties of flours, but the trend is different in T. aestivum and T. turgidum ssp durum. |