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Title: Pedigree reconstruction with genome-wide markers in potato

item ENDELMAN, JEFFREY - University Of Wisconsin
item SCHMITZ CARLEY, CARI - University Of Wisconsin
item DOUCHES, DAVID - Michigan State University
item COOMBS, JOSEPH - Michigan State University
item BIZIMINGU, BENOIT - Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada
item DE JONG, WALTER - Cornell University
item Haynes, Kathleen
item HOLM, DAVID - Colorado State University
item MILLER, J CHREIGHTON - Texas A&M University
item NAVARRO, FELIX - University Of Wisconsin
item Novy, Richard
item PALTA, JIWAN - University Of Wisconsin
item PARISH, DAVID - Ais Consulting Llc
item PORTER, GREGORY - University Of Maine
item SATHUVALLI, VIDYASAGAR - Oregon State University
item THOMPSON, ASUNTA - North Dakota State University
item YENCHO, G. CRAIG - North Carolina State University

Submitted to: American Journal of Potato Research
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/8/2016
Publication Date: 1/11/2017
Publication URL:
Citation: Endelman, J.B., Schmitz Carley, C.A., Douches, D.S., Coombs, J.J., Bizimingu, B., De Jong, W.S., Haynes, K.G., Holm, D.G., Miller, J., Navarro, F.M., Novy, R.G., Palta, J.P., Parish, D.I., Porter, G.A., Sathuvalli, V.R., Thompson, A.L., Yencho, G. 2017. Pedigree reconstruction with genome-wide markers in potato. American Journal of Potato Research. 94:184-190.

Interpretive Summary: Advances in molecular marker technology now allows breeders to check the accuracy of the reported parentage of popular potato varieties. Knowing the correct parents is necessary for predicting performance of new varieties. Errors in reporting the parentage may sometimes slip into breeding programs from a number of causes. As a result of this study, the parentage of several potato varieties was corrected, and the parentage identified for some varieties where the male parent was previously unknown. Our results will be utilized by public and private breeders developing new potato varieties.

Technical Abstract: Reliable pedigree information facilitates a scientific approach to breeding, but errors can be introduced in many stages of a breeding program. Our objective was to use single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to check the pedigree records of elite North American potato germplasm. A population of 635 tetraploid varieties was genotyped with an Infinium SNP array, yielding 3293 high-quality markers. Based on pedigree records, the dataset contained 150 parent-offspring trios, but only 135 were consistent with the markers. For 12 of the 15 remaining cases, the true parent was identified in the population. By comparing the additive relationship matrix calculated from pedigree with the genetic distance calculated from markers, an additional 24 pedigree modifications were proposed, including the paternity of several varieties developed with bulk pollen. To ensure accurate pedigree records are published in the future, we recommend that new varieties be SNP genotyped and checked against this dataset.