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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Gainesville, Florida » Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology » Mosquito and Fly Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #332601

Title: Comparison of volatiles and mosquito capture efficacy for three carbohydrate sources in a yeast-fermentation CO2 generator

item Aldridge, Robert
item Gibson, Seth
item Allan, Sandra
item Tsikolia, Maia
item CALIX, LESLEY - Department Of Defense
item Bernier, Ulrich
item Linthicum, Kenneth

Submitted to: Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/26/2016
Publication Date: 12/14/2016
Citation: Aldridge, R.L., Britch, S.C., Allan, S.A., Tsikolia, M., Calix, L.C., Bernier, U.R., Linthicum, K. 2016. Comparison of volatiles and mosquito capture efficacy for three carbohydrate sources in a yeast-fermentation CO2 generator. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 32(4):282-291.

Interpretive Summary: Use of carbon dioxide to collect mosquitoes is very effective in enhancing the number and species of mosquitoes collected. We developed a method to produce carbon dioxide by making generators using yeast to ferment honey, molasses, and sucrose. We evaluated and compared mosquito attraction in standard mosquito traps. We found that there was no significant difference between capture rates of mosquitoes using carbon dioxide generated through yeast fermentation between all three carbohydrate sources. We also found that volatile compounds produced by yeast fermentation of the carbohydrate sources may contribute to attracting mosquitoes.

Technical Abstract: Mosquito surveillance in remote areas with limited access to canisters of CO2 or dry ice will benefit from an effective alternative CO2 source. In this study, we document the differences in mosquito and non-mosquito capture rates from CO2 baited (dry ice or yeast fermentation of carbohydrates) CDC traps over 23 trap nights. Results demonstrated the ability of yeast generated CO2 to effectively attract mosquitoes to a CDC trap, regardless of the carbohydrate source. Total collections of mosquitoes using dry ice were significantly different from and had higher capture rates than yeast generated CO2 sources. There was no significant difference between capture rates of mosquitoes using CO2 generated through yeast fermentation between all three carbohydrate sources. Species comparison and composition will be discussed between carbohydrate sources and dry ice. Volatiles produced by yeast fermentation were also documented by carbohydrate source, and will be discussed regarding possible synergistic effects with CO2 on mosquito collections.