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Title: Quantification of vector and host competence and abundance for Japanese Encephalitis Virus: a systematic review of the literature.

item DA SILVA OLIVERIA, A.R. - Kansas State University
item STRATHE, E. - Kansas State University
item ETCHEVERRY, L. - Kansas State University
item Cohnstaedt, Lee
item McVey, David
item CERNICCHIARO, N. - Kansas State University

Submitted to: Research Workers in Animal Diseases Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/3/2016
Publication Date: 12/4/2016
Citation: Da Silva Oliveria, A., Strathe, E., Etcheverry, L., Cohnstaedt, L.W., Mcvey, D.S., Cernicchiaro, N. 2016. Quantification of vector and host competence and abundance for Japanese Encephalitis Virus: a systematic review of the literature.. . 1.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a vector-borne disease caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) that affects humans in Eastern and Southeastern Asia. Although it could be prevented by a vaccine, JE has no treatment and the inadvertent introduction of the virus into JEV-free countries, such as the United States (US), would lead to important public health and economic consequences. The objective of this study was to gather, appraise and synthesize primary research literature to identify and quantify competence and abundance of potential vectors and hosts of JEV, in the US and worldwide, using a systematic review methodology. After defining the research question, we selected search terms to identify potentially relevant primary research articles by performing a comprehensive search in eight electronic databases, and a hand-search of nine key publications. The title and abstract of the identified publications were screened for relevance using a defined set of exclusion and inclusion criteria. After a two-step relevance screening we identified publications from which we extracted data and assessed their risk of bias. Both relevance screening and data extraction were performed by two independent reviewers. A total of 1,405 abstracts were identified in the original search, and after relevance screening, we narrowed the final number of publications to 288, from which data was then extracted. Seventy-one percent of the appraised studies were observational, 26% were experimental, and 3% included both components. Regarding vector competence, mosquito infection probabilities from observational studies ranged from 0.02 infected mosquitoes/1,000 in Malaysia to 12 infected mosquitoes/1,000 in China. In experimental studies, results on transmission probabilities varied between 8% in Culex pipiens feeding on a viremic host, and 100% in orally or intrathoracically infected Culex tritaeniorhynchus. The data obtained from this study will be used to populate vector and host entry pathways to quantify risks associated with the introduction of JEV into the US, as well as it can help populate risk models for similar mosquito-borne diseases of importance to animal and human health.