KRUEGER, DANA - Krueger Food Laboratories, Inc | |
ARORA, SAURABH - Auriga Research Ltd | |
BZHELYANSKY, ANTON - United States Pharmacopeia | |
Chen, Pei | |
CHLENOV, ANATOLY - Perkin Elmer Life Sciences | |
COLLISON, MARK - Archer Daniels Midland | |
DURST, ROBERT - Oregon State University | |
ES-SAFI, NOUR EDDINE - Mohammed V University | |
GIANCASPRO, GABRIEL - United States Pharmacopeia | |
HALL, GENE - Rutgers University | |
HAMMERSTONE, JOHN - Illinois Institute Of Technology | |
INGLE, PRASHANT - Herbalife | |
JENNENS-CLOUGH, MARTHA - Covance Laboratories | |
JI, DAVID - Analytical Laboratories In Anaheim, Inc | |
JI, JIN - Brunswick Laboratories | |
KENNEDY, DAVID - Phenomenex, Inc | |
LAWSON, THOMAS - Garden State Nutritionals | |
Lee, Jungmin | |
LOCK, STEPHEN - Sciex | |
MUDGE, ELIZABETH - British Columbia Institute Of Technology | |
NEAL-KABABICK, JAMES - Flora Research Laboratories | |
PHILLIPS, MELISSA - National Institute Of Standards & Technology (NIST) | |
PHILLIPS, TOM - Maryland Department Of Agriculture | |
REJAEI, ALI - Pom Wonderful | |
RETTINGER, MITZI - Cerilliant Corporation | |
RIMMER, CATHERINE - National Institute Of Standards & Technology (NIST) | |
R.-HARALAMBIDES, ALEJANDRA - Universidad Del La Republica | |
ROYCE, STEVE - Agilent Technologies, Inc | |
SCHANEBERG, BRIAN - Starbucks | |
SOLYOM, ANIKO - Gaas Analytical | |
STERN, NATHAN - Amway | |
SULLIVAN, DARRYL - Covance Laboratories | |
SZPYLKA, JOHN - Silliker Laboratories | |
Wise, Mitchell | |
YAN, XUN - Amway | |
YOO, SEONG-JAE - Pharmavite, Llc | |
YU, KATE - Waters Corporation | |
ZHANG, YANJUN - Herbalife | |
COATES, SCOTT - Association Of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC) |
Submitted to: Journal of AOAC International
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Acceptance Date: 8/1/2015 Publication Date: 8/15/2015 Citation: Krueger, D., Arora, S., Bzhelyansky, A., Chen, P., Chlenov, A., Collison, M., Durst, R., Es-Safi, N., Giancaspro, G., Hall, G., Hammerstone, J., Ingle, P., Jennens-Clough, M., Ji, D., Ji, J., Kennedy, D., Lawson, T., Lee, J., Lock, S., Mudge, E., Neal-Kababick, J., Phillips, M., Phillips, T., Rejaei, A., Rettinger, M., Rimmer, C., R.-Haralambides, A., Royce, S., Schaneberg, B., Solyom, A., Stern, N., Sullivan, D., Szpylka, J., Wise, M.L., Yan, X., Yoo, S., Yu, K., Zhang, Y., Coates, S. 2015. AOAC SMPR 2014.007: Authentication of selected Vaccinium species (Anthocyanins) in dietary ingredients and dietary supplements. Journal of AOAC International. 98(4):1052-1054. DOI: Interpretive Summary: This paper describes AOAC Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) for authentication of selected Vaccinium species in dietary ingredients and dietary supplements containing a single Vaccinium species using anthocyanin profiles. Authors following chair listed alphabetically. Technical Abstract: This AOAC Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR) is for authentication of selected Vaccinium species in dietary ingredients and dietary supplements containing a single Vaccinium species using anthocyanin profiles. SMPRs describe the minimum recommended performance characteristics to be used during the evaluation of a method. The evaluation may be an on-site verification, a single-laboratory validation, or a multi-site collaborative study. SMPRs are written and adopted by AOAC stakeholder panels composed of representatives from industry, regulatory organizations, contract laboratories, test kit manufacturers, and academic institutions. AOAC SMPRs are used by AOAC expert review panels in their evaluation of validation study data for methods being considered for Performance Tested Methods or AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, and can be used as acceptance criteria for verification at user laboratories. |