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Title: ‘Flavorfest’ strawberry

item Lewers, Kimberly
item CASTRO, PATRICIA - Universidad De Cordoba
item Enns, John
item HANDLEY, DAVID - University Of Maine Cooperative Extension
item JAMIESON, ANDREW - Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada
item NEWELL, MICHAEL - University Of Maryland
item SAMTANI, JAYESH - Virginia Polytechnic Institution & State University
item FLANAGAN, ROY - Virginia Polytechnic Institution & State University
item Smith, Barbara
item SNYDER, JOHN - University Of Kentucky
item STRANG, JOHN - University Of Kentucky
item WRIGHT, SHAWN - University Of Kentucky
item WEBER, COURTNEY - Cornell University
item HOKANSON, STAN - University Of Minnesota
item GALLETTA, GENE - Retired Non ARS Employee

Submitted to: HortScience
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/16/2017
Publication Date: 11/18/2017
Citation: Lewers, K.S., Castro, P., Enns, J.M., Handley, D.T., Jamieson, A.R., Newell, M.J., Samtani, J.B., Flanagan, R.D., Smith, B.J., Snyder, J.C., Strang, J.G., Wright, S.R., Weber, C.A., Hokanson, S.C., Galletta, G.J. 2017. ‘Flavorfest’ strawberry. HortScience. 52(11):1627-1632.

Interpretive Summary: Strawberries are the most valuable annual crop a farmer can grow on an acre of land, and they are the fifth most popular fruit with consumers. High yield, large attractive berries, great flavor, and reduced pesticide residue are very important to farmers and consumers alike. We developed a new variety of strawberry, named ‘Flavorfest’. ‘Flavorfest’ is resistant to many diseases and does not generally need to be sprayed with pesticides to produce many large, great-tasting berries. Evaluated in many states in the Eastern US, in both the traditional bare-soil conditions and the newer plastic covered bed system, ‘Flavorfest’ has performed at or near the top in yield and fruit quality from as far north as Maine to as far south as Virginia and North Carolina. ‘Flavorfest’ sales from nurseries to farmers have increased every year since its official release in 2012. Nurseries, farmers, and consumers all will continue to benefit from the new strawberry variety, Flavorfest, as its acres increase.

Technical Abstract: ‘Flavorfest’, a “June-bearing” or “short-day” strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch. ex Rozier) cultivar, was introduced for propagation to nurseries 5 December 2012 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). ‘Flavorfest’ was selected for its high yield of flavorful large berries and resistance to anthracnose fruit and crown rots (caused by Colletotrichum acutatum J.H. Simmonds). The large, bright red berries appear distinctively plump throughout a long mid-season. ‘Flavorfest’ was named for its exceptional flavor and high yields at the peak of strawberry season and beyond. ‘Flavorfest’ is highly recommended as a flavorful mid-season anthracnose-resistant alternative for annual-plasticulture and matted-row production from Zones 4b-8a.