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Title: Influence of Xylella fastidiosa cold shock proteins on pathogenesis in grapevine.

item Burbank, Lindsey

Submitted to: American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2017
Publication Date: 8/7/2017
Citation: Burbank, L.P. 2017. Influence of Xylella fastidiosa cold shock proteins on pathogenesis in grapevine.. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. Available:

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Cold shock proteins (CSPs), a family of nucleic acid binding proteins are an essential part of microbial adaptation to temperature changes. Bacterial CSPs are often expressed in a temperature-dependent manner, and act as chaperones, facilitating translation at low temperature by stabilizing mRNA. In addition, CSPs are important for response to osmotic and oxidative stress and for stationary phase survival, highlighting the importance of these proteins for bacterial adaptation to changing environments such as during pathogenesis. Recent evidence also suggests that CSPs can be present at the surface of bacterial membranes, influencing interactions with host such as elicitation of plant defense responses. Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), the causal agent of Pierce’s disease in grapes, has two CSP homologs, at least one of which (Xf Csp1) is important for virulence in grapevine. A knockout mutant in Csp1 also was less able to survive cold temperatures and osmotic stress. A knockout mutant in Csp2 was unstable, suggesting it may be essential for viability during in vitro growth. Interestingly, expression of Xf Csp1 and Csp2 appear to be temperature-independent, rather than cold-inducible. Further investigation of the role of Xf CSPs in bacterial adaptation to environmental stress, and its interactions with the host plant will lead to a better understanding of persistence and long term survival of this pathogen.