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Research Project: Sensing Technologies for the Detection and Characterization of Microbial, Chemical, and Biological Contaminants in Foods

Location: Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Laboratory

Title: Multipurpose floating platform for hyperspectral imaging, sampling and sensing of surface water sources used in irrigation and recreation

item LEE, HOONSOO - Us Forest Service (FS)
item Pachepsky, Yakov
item Shelton, Daniel
item STOCHER, MATTEW - Oak Ridge Institute For Science And Education (ORISE)
item BAEK, INSUCK - University Of Maryland
item OH, MIRAE - Us Forest Service (FS)
item HONG, EUNMI - Oak Ridge Institute For Science And Education (ORISE)
item Kim, Moon

Submitted to: BARC Poster Day
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/6/2017
Publication Date: 4/26/2017
Citation: Lee, H., Pachepsky, Y.A., Shelton, D.R., Stocher, M., Baek, I., Oh, M., Hong, E., Kim, M.S. 2017. Multipurpose floating platform for hyperspectral imaging, sampling and sensing of surface water sources used in irrigation and recreation. BARC Poster Day. 28th Annual BARC Poster Day, Beltsville, MD on April 26, 2017.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The objective of this work was to design, construct, and test the self-propelled aquatic platform for imaging, multi-tier water sampling, water quality sensing, and depth profiling to document microbial content and environmental covariates in the interior of irrigation ponds and reservoirs. The platform has the following capabilities. It has the major propeller that can be programmed to visit a given GPS-defined set of sampling locations, auxiliary propeller to stabilize the boat, the three-depth sampling intake with flush capability, the hyperspectral imaging camera, the set of water quality sensors working at the intake location and including, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, electrical conductivity, on-board spectrophotometer to estimate chlorophyll concentrations. All electric, the platform does not create any water pollution and can be used on publicly accessible water sources. In case of the full set of measurements taken, operations on the platform are allocated among the crew of three persons - imager, driver, and sampler. Testing of the platform at an irrigation pond in the Montgomery county Maryland, showed its reliability, versatility and provided the high efficiency in sampling. Future plans include further testing of the platform, increasing the array of water quality sensors, and coupled operation with imaging drones.