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Research Project: Bioproducts from Agricultural Feedstocks

Location: Bioproducts Research

Title: Renewable hybrid nanocatalyst from magnetite and cellulose fortreatment of textile effluents

item ARANTES, ANA CAROLINA - Universidade Federal De Lavras
item ALMEIDA, CRISLAINE - Universidade Federal De Lavras
item DAUZACKER, LIGIANE - Universidade Federal De Lavras
item BIANCHI, MARIA LUCIA - Universidade Federal De Lavras
item Wood, Delilah
item Williams, Tina
item Orts, William
item TONOLI, GUSTAVO - Universidade Federal De Lavras

Submitted to: Carbohydrate Polymers
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/4/2017
Publication Date: 1/7/2017
Citation: Arantes, A.C., Almeida, C.G., Dauzacker, L.C., Bianchi, M., Wood, D.F., Williams, T.G., Orts, W.J., Tonoli, G.H. 2017. Renewable hybrid nanocatalyst from magnetite and cellulose fortreatment of textile effluents. Carbohydrate Polymers. 163:101-107. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.01.007.

Interpretive Summary: The development of renewable, biodegradable materials is essential to the world in order to replace or reduce the use of petroleum-based products. We developed a mechanical defibrillation process to produce cellulose nano-fibers and added iron in the form of magnetite to act as a catalyst for the degradation or capture of pollutants. Magnetite (in the active phase), when dispersed in cellulose, degrades methylene blue dye, a model organic pollutant, at the same rate with less catalyst. The cellulose-magnetite compound is recoverable and may be reused without loss of catalytic activity.

Technical Abstract: A hybrid catalyst was prepared using cellulose nanofibrils and magnetite to degrade organic compounds. Cellulose nanofibrils were isolated by mechanical defibrillation producing a suspension used as a matrixfor magnetite particles. The solution of nanofibrils and magnetite was dried and milled resulting in acatalyst with a 1:1 ratio of cellulose and magnetite that was chemically and physically characterizedusing light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopies, specific surface area analysis,vibrating sample magnetometry, thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, catalytic potential and degradation kinetics. Results showed good dispersion of the activephase, magnetite, in the mat of cellulosic nanofibrils. Leaching and re-use tests showed that catalyticactivity was not lost over several cycles. The hybrid material produced was tested for degradation ofmethylene blue dye in Fenton-like reactions resulting in a potential catalyst for use in degradation oforganic compounds.