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Research Project: Systematics of Hemiptera and Related Groups: Plant Pests, Predators and Disease Vectors

Location: Systematic Entomology Laboratory

Title: Taxonomy and natural history of a cattail aphid, Rhopalosiphum enigmae Hottes & Frison (Hemiptera: Aphidomorpha: Aphididae), including a new synonymy and notes on ant and parasitoid associates of Rhopalosiphum

item SKVARLA, M. - University Of Arkansas
item Miller, Gary
item Bauchan, Gary
item Lewis, Matthew
item FOOTTIT, ROBERT - Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada
item MAW, ERIC - Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada

Submitted to: Insect Systematics and Diversity
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/4/2018
Publication Date: 3/1/2018
Citation: Skvarla, M.J., Miller, G.L., Bauchan, G.R., Lewis, M.L., Foottit, R., Maw, E. 2018. Taxonomy and natural history of a cattail aphid, Rhopalosiphum enigmae Hottes & Frison (Hemiptera: Aphidomorpha: Aphididae), including a new synonymy and notes on ant and parasitoid associates of Rhopalosiphum. Insect Systematics and Diversity. 2(2):1-14.

Interpretive Summary: Aphids are agriculturally important insects that cause billions of dollars in crop damage each year. Damage is caused not only through direct feeding but also through the transmission of plant pathogens. Proper identification is paramount before any research or regulatory program can begin. This paper focuses on clarifying the name of a Rhopalosiphum aphid (Rhopalosiphum laconae Taber = Rhopalosiphum enigmae Hottes and Frisson), based on geographic, morphological, and molecular evidence. This will be useful for ecologists, entomologists, and state and federal regulatory officials.

Technical Abstract: We designate a lectotype for Rhopalosiphum laconae Taber, 1993 and synonymize it with Rhopalosiphum enigmae Hottes and Frisson, 1931 based on geographic, morphological, and molecular evidence. We also list 16 new state/province records and provide notes on morphology and natural history for R. enigmae. Additionally, we review and include new ant and parasitoid associates of Rhopalosiphum.