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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Salinas, California » Crop Improvement and Protection Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #350101

Title: Virus research and the California sugar beet industry

item Wintermantel, William

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Other
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/4/2019
Publication Date: 2/7/2019
Citation: Wintermantel, W.M. 2019. Virus research and the California sugar beet industry. California Beet Growers Association Annual Meeting, February 7, 2019, Brawley, California.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Sugarbeet production in California has been impacted by three main types of virus diseases over its history, dating to the 19th Century, with curly top, virus yellows, and rhizomania each taking their turn. Management of these diseases has evolved with agriculture and advances in technology. Curly top, caused by beet curly top virus, was initially controlled through a combination of pesticides targeting its insect vector, the beet leafhopper. The disease primarily impacted production in the San Joaquin Valley, but occurs in Imperial Valley as well. Management of this virus is not of critical concern in Imperial Valley, but production in other regions continues to target overwintering populations of the vector, and in some locations host plant resistance remains important for management. Virus yellows is caused by two types of viruses, a polerovirus, beet western yellows virus (BWYV) or related species, or by a closterovirus, beet yellows virus (BYV). BYV is known to be a greater economic risk to production, but has been of lesser concern for the industry now that production no longer occurs in the Sacramento Delta region. Rhizomania, caused by beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) continues to pose a serious threat to production throughout the world, including Imperial Valley. Management using a combination of lengthy rotation times and host plant resistance has managed this virus to date, but concerns are increasing with the emergence of a diverse array of resistance-breaking variants around the United States and their gradual spread throughout production regions. Knowledge of epidemiological factors, reliable of management strategies, and the application of new and emerging technology will be critical toward maintaining stable production in the desert as well as throughout the United States.