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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Madison, Wisconsin » U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center » Cell Wall Biology and Utilization Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #350767

Research Project: Investigating Microbial, Digestive, and Animal Factors to Increase Dairy Cow Performance and Nutrient Use Efficiency

Location: Cell Wall Biology and Utilization Research

Title: Genomic structural differences between cattle and river buffalo identified through a combination and genomic and transcriptomic analysis

item Li, Wenli
item Bickhart, Derek
item RAMUNNO, LUIGI - Universita Di Napoli
item LAMARTINO, DANIELA - Universita Di Napoli
item WILLIAMS, JOHN - University Of Adelaide
item Liu, Ge

Submitted to: Data in Brief
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/5/2018
Publication Date: 5/11/2018
Citation: Li, W., Bickhart, D.M., Ramunno, L., Lamartino, D., Williams, J., Liu, G. 2018. Genomic structural differences between cattle and river buffalo identified through a combination and genomic and transcriptomic analysis. Data in Brief. 19:236-239.

Interpretive Summary: Water buffalo is an important livestock species worldwide. They are highly prized as a producer of aromatic milk. Much of the differences between water buffalo and cattle are due to differences in genetic differences of these two species. These differences may provide significant insights into the unique qualities of water buffalo. They include milk, behavior and disease resistance compared to common dairy cattle. This work presents major genetic differences identified in water buffalo in comparison to cattle. Widespread analyses of this dataset will allow for identification of genes causing the differences between cattle and water buffalo.

Technical Abstract: Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) is an important livestock species worldwide. Like many other livestock species, water buffalo lacks high quality and continuous reference genome assembly required for fine-scale comparative genomics studies. In this work, we present a dataset, which characterizes genomic differences between water buffalo genome and the extensively studied cattle (Bos taurus Taurus) reference genome. This data set is obtained after alignment of 14 river buffalo whole genome sequencing datasets to the cattle reference. This data set consisted of 127 deletion CNV regions, and 583 merged mobile element insertion (MEI) events within the upstream regions of annotated cattle genes. Gene expression data from cattle and buffalo were also presented for genes impacted by these regions. Public assessment of this dataset will allow for further analyses and functional annotation of genes that are potentially associated with phenotypic difference between cattle and water buffalo.