Location: Watershed Physical Processes Research
Title: Simulation of surface runoff and channel flows using 2D Numerical ModelAuthor
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JIA, YAFEI - University Of Mississippi |
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SHIRMEEN, TAHMINA - University Of Mississippi |
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Locke, Martin |
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Lizotte Jr, Richard |
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SHIELDS, DOUGLAS - Former ARS Employee |
Submitted to: Intech
Publication Type: Book / Chapter Publication Acceptance Date: 7/10/2018 Publication Date: 11/5/2018 Citation: Jia, Y., Shirmeen, T., Locke, M.A., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Shields, D. 2018. Simulation of surface runoff and channel flows using 2D Numerical Model. Intech. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.80214. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.80214 Interpretive Summary: Watershed hydrology involves many complex processes over hillslope, rills and in gullies and streams. The flow processes in these morphologic units are conventionally modeled separately and then connected as components. The physically based CCHE2D hydrodynamic model has the capability to solve the flow processes in all of the morphologic units indiscriminately, because it solves the general hydrodynamic equations applicable to all of the flow conditions. This paper verified the model’s accuracy using analytical solutions and validated its capability in modeling a complex watershed. The model simulated storm events in agriculture watersheds in Mississippi Delta monitored by the National Sedimentation Lab of the USDA. Technical Abstract: Numerical simulation of surface runoff is used to understand and predict watershed sediment transport and water quality and improve management of agricultural watersheds. However, models currently available are either simplified or parameterized for efficiency. In this paper, CCHE2D, a physically based hydrodynamic model for general free surface flow hydrodynamics, was applied to study watershed surface runoff and channel flows. Multiple analytical solutions and experimental data were used to verify and validate this finite element model systematically with good results. A numerical scheme for correcting the bi-linear interpolation of the water surface elevation solutions from the cell centers to the computational nodes was developed to improve the model. The correction was found necessary and effective for the sheet runoff simulations over the irregular bed topography. The modified numerical model was then used to simulate storms in a low-relief agricultural watershed in the Mississippi River alluvial plain. This physically based model identified the channel networks, watershed boundary automatically and helped to develop rating curves at the gage station of this complex watershed. The numerical simulations resolved detailed runoff and turbulent channel flows, which can be used for soil erosion and gully development analyses. |