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Research Project: Genetic and Environmental Factors Controlling Aflatoxin Biosynthesis

Location: Food and Feed Safety Research

Title: Toxins, pathogens, and foods: challenges and opportunities for public health

item Voss, Kenneth
item ASAKURA, HIROSHI - National Institute Of Health Sciences
item Cary, Jeffrey
item SUZUKI, TOSHIYUKI - National Research Institute Of Fisheries Science, Fisheries Research Agency

Submitted to: Food Safety
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/29/2018
Publication Date: 6/29/2018
Citation: Voss, K.A., Asakura, H., Cary, J.W., Suzuki, T. 2018. Toxins, pathogens, and foods: challenges and opportunities for public health. Epilogue to the Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium of the Joint Expert Panel on Toxic Microorganisms, United States–Japan Program on Development and Utilization of Natural Resources. Food Safety. 6(2):107-108.

Interpretive Summary: The Joint Panel on Toxic Microorganisms (the Panel) is one of the original seven established in 1964 and is currently one of 18 operating under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program on Development and Utilization of Natural Resources (UJNR). Areas of interest have continually expanded and now include bacterial pathogens, viruses, phycotoxins, mycotoxins, and other microbiological issues that adversely affect consumer health, food and feed quality, food industry economics, and international trade. The Panel is multidisciplinary and its members, who represent various governmental agencies from each country, have expertise in microbiology, epidemiology, molecular biology and genetics, toxicology and related disciplines. Among the specific topics frequently considered are identification of microorganisms and toxins, elucidating the genetics and regulation of toxin (myco-, phyco-, bacterial) biosynthesis pathways, mechanisms of action, methods for detection and quantification of toxins, investigation of disease outbreaks, monitoring and surveillance, and mitigation strategies to reduce exposures to consumers and economic losses. The UJNR 12th International Symposium, having the general theme “Toxins, Pathogens, and Foods: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Health”, was held on May 16-18 at the US FDA Facilities in Laurel and College Park, MD.

Technical Abstract: The Joint Panel on Toxic Microorganisms (the Panel) is one of the original seven established in 1964 and is currently one of 18 operating under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program on Development and Utilization of Natural Resources (UJNR). Areas of interest have continually expanded and now include bacterial pathogens, viruses, phycotoxins, mycotoxins, and other microbiological issues that adversely affect consumer health, food and feed quality, food industry economics, and international trade. The Panel is multidisciplinary and its members, who represent various governmental agencies from each country, have expertise in microbiology, epidemiology, molecular biology and genetics, toxicology and related disciplines. Among the specific topics frequently considered are identification of microorganisms and toxins, elucidating the genetics and regulation of toxin (myco-, phyco-, bacterial) biosynthesis pathways, mechanisms of action, methods for detection and quantification of toxins, investigation of disease outbreaks, monitoring and surveillance, and mitigation strategies to reduce exposures to consumers and economic losses. The UJNR 12th International Symposium, having the general theme “Toxins, Pathogens, and Foods: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Health”, was held on May 16-18 at the US FDA Facilities in Laurel and College Park, MD.