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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Raleigh, North Carolina » Soybean and Nitrogen Fixation Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #354240

Title: Registration of the soybean germplasm lines R10-2436 and R10-2710 with drought tolerance traits and highy yield under moderate water Stress

item MANJARREZ-SANDOVAL, PEDRO - University Of Arkansas
item PENGYIN, CHEN - University Of Missouri
item MOZZANI, LEANDRO - University Of Arkansas
item FLOREZ-PALACIOS, LILIANA - University Of Arkansas
item ORAZALY, MOLDIR - University Of Arkansas
item WU, CHENGJUN - University Of Arkansas
item SINCLAIR, THOMAS - North Carolina State University
item Carter Jr, Thomas
item PURCELL, LARRY - University Of Arkansas
item KING, CHARLES - University Of Arkansas

Submitted to: Journal of Plant Registrations
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/13/2018
Publication Date: 5/5/2020
Publication URL:
Citation: Manjarrez-Sandoval, P., Pengyin, C., Mozzani, L., Florez-Palacios, L., Orazaly, M., Wu, C., Sinclair, T., Carter Jr, T.E., Purcell, L., King, C. 2020. Registration of the soybean germplasm lines R10-2436 and R10-2710 with drought tolerance traits and highy yield under moderate water Stress. Journal of Plant Registrations. 2020: 1-8.

Interpretive Summary: Summer drought has always been the most important barrier to profitable soybeans. Few soybeans are irrigated. Thus, drought-tolerant soybean varieties are an economic alternative to irrigation. Drought tolerance is rare or absent in US grown soybean, but has been discovered in a few exotic Asian soybeans. The new germplasm releases described in this article are derived from exotic Asian types and carry unique drought tolerant traits inherited from the exotics. These materials are freely available to the public and represent a solid step forward in mitigating the harsh effects of adverse weather.

Technical Abstract: R10-2436 and R10-2710 are two high-yielding and drought tolerant conventional germplasm lines released by the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station in February 2017. R10-2436 and R10-2710 have a relative maturity of 5.6 and 5.8, respectively. R10-2436 is derived from the cross R01-52F x R02-6268F, and R10-2710 is derived from R01-52F x ‘USDA-N7002’. In six years of testing, R10-2436 and R10-2710 out-yielded the MGV check mean under moderate water-deficit stress in Stuttgart, AR (2893, 2889, and 2506 kg ha-1,respectively), and were on a par with the checks under full irrigation in Stuttgart (4644, 4511, and 4613 kg ha-1, respectively). In greenhouse studies, both releases exhibited sustained nitrogen fixation during a dry-down cycle. This trait was presumably inherited from their ancestor ‘Jackson’. R10-2436 also exhibited slow-wilting in multiple drought-stressed environments in AR and NC, likely inherited from PI 416937. Because of their yield potential under drought and irrigation, R10-2436 and R10-2710 are new scientific advances in mitigating the effects of adverse weather in agriculture.