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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Logan, Utah » Poisonous Plant Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #357049

Title: Experimental poisoning by Vernonia rubricaulis in sheep

item GODOY, KELLY - Universidade Federal Do Mato Grosso Do Sul
item LEAL, PAULA - Universidade Federal Do Mato Grosso Do Sul
item ARAÚJO, MARCELO - Universidade Federal Do Mato Grosso Do Sul
item SOUZA, ALDA - Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso
item POTT, ARNILDO - Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso
item Lee, Stephen
item BARROS, CLAUDIO - Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso
item DE LEMOS, RICARDO - Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso

Submitted to: Toxicon
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/7/2017
Publication Date: 11/8/2017
Citation: Godoy, K.C.S., Leal, P.V., Araújo, M.A., Souza, A.I., Pott, A., Lee, S.T., Barros, C.S.L., de Lemos, R.A.A. 2017. Experimental poisoning by Vernonia rubricaulis in sheep. Toxicon. 141:9-14.

Interpretive Summary: In order to evaluate the susceptibility of sheep to Vernonia. rubricaulis and to establish the clinical signs, serum biochemistry, and pathological findings, eight sheep were fed varying doses of Vernonia. rubricaulis. The onset of clinical signs occurred 6-48 h after the ingestion of Vernonia rubricaulis. Clinical signs lasted 6-56 h after the ingestion of the plant. Serum markers of poisoning were highly elevated in affected sheep. Clinical signs consisted of low energy, loss of appetite, dry muzzle, respiratory distress, abdominal pain, and mushy feces with streaks of blood and mucus. Two sheep had neurological signs and blindness. Five sheep died and three recovered. Pathology of the liver indicated liver disease. Chemical analysis to detect carboxyatractyloside in Vernonia rubricaulis plant material was negative. It is concluded that Vernonia rubricaulis poisoning in sheep is characteristic of acute liver disease.

Technical Abstract: In order to evaluate the susceptibility of sheep to V. rubricaulis and to establish the clinical signs, serum biochemistry, and pathological findings, eight sheep were fed varying doses of V. rubricaulis. The onset of clinical signs occurred 6-48 h after the ingestion of V. rubricaulis. Clinical courses lasted 6-56 h after the ingestion of the plant. Serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, and alkaline phosphatase were highly elevated and glucose blood levels were low in affected sheep. Clinical signs consisted of apathy, anorexia, dry muzzle, respiratory distress, abdominal pain, and mushy feces with streaks of blood and mucus. Two sheep had neurological signs including muscle fasciculation, nystagmus, paddling movements, and blindness. Liver necrosis could be detected antemortem through liver biopsy. Five sheep died and three recovered. The liver was affected in all necropsied sheep; it increased in volume and had marked accentuation of the lobular pattern with red, depressed areas intercalated with a pale yellow network. Ascites and hydropericardium were consistent findings. Microscopically, centrilobular to massive coagulative necrosis was observed. Coagulative necrosis was also observed in a few proximal renal tubules. Microscopic lesions were not found in any other organs. The severity of liver lesions was proportional to the dose. Chemical analysis to detect carboxyatractyloside in V. rubricaulis plant material was negative. It is concluded that V. rubricaulis poisoning in sheep is clinically, biochemically, and pathologically characteristic of an acute hepatoxicosis.