Location: Fruit and Tree Nut Research
Title: A physical barrier reduces capture of Euschistus servus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in pheromone-baited traps near peach treesAuthor
Submitted to: Florida Entomologist
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Acceptance Date: 10/26/2018 Publication Date: 4/11/2019 Citation: Cottrell, T.E., Tillman, P.G. 2019. A physical barrier reduces capture of Euschistus servus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in pheromone-baited traps near peach trees. Florida Entomologist. 102(1):281-283. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.102.0155. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1653/024.102.0155 Interpretive Summary: Many species of stink bugs are pests of many crop plants that move frequently across farmscapes. However, when feeding, their movement generally entails short distance moves within the height of the host plant. We used a tall physical barrier around peach trees to determine if it would deter brown stink bugs reaching a pheromone-baited trap near the tree. Each year, cumulative data showed a significant decrease in capture of brown stink bugs in traps enclosed by the physical barrier compared to traps near trees without the barrier. Differences in treatments between sampling dates were not always significant. Overall, the physical barrier did reduce attraction of E. servus to pheromone-baited traps near peach trees. Future research will address using the barrier fence around a larger number of peach trees and assess protection of fruit from stink bug injury. Technical Abstract: Many species of stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are pests of many crop plants and the polyphagous nature of these pests facilitates their movement across farmscapes. However, when feeding, their movement generally entails short distance moves within the height of the host plant. During 2014 and 2015, we used a tall barrier fence around peach trees to determine if this structure would deter adult Euschistus servus being attracted to a pheromone-baited trap near the tree. Each year, cumulative data showed a significant decrease in capture of E. servus in traps enclosed with the barrier fence compared to traps near trees without the fence. Differences in treatments between sampling dates were not always significant. Overall, the barrier fence did reduce attraction of E. servus to pheromone-baited traps near peach trees. Future research will address using the barrier fence around a larger number of peach trees and assess protection of fruit from stink bug injury. |