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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Baton Rouge, Louisiana » Honey Bee Lab » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #364413

Research Project: Genetics and Breeding in Support of Honey Bee Health

Location: Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research

Title: Identification of genomic signatures across seven US commercial honey bee lines using whole genome pooled sequencing.

item Saelao, Perot
item Avalos, Arian
item Danka, Robert
item Simone-Finstrom, Michael

Submitted to: Entomology Society of America Pacific Branch Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/1/2019
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Identification of genomic signatures across seven US commercial honey bee lines using whole genome pooled sequencing. The genetic diversity of honey bee stocks throughout the United States is poorly characterized. An improved understanding of genetic diversity would support developing markers that can be used to identify and breed bee populations of interest. Genomic signatures and molecular markers serve to easily identify samples and classify specific groups with a high degree of discriminatory power. The identification of these markers enables a more informed selection of genes and markers that can aid in developing a broader-based approach to stock identification and selection. In this study, seven stocks of honey bees (Russian, Minnesota Hygienic, Pol-line/VSH, Italian from three commercial sources, and Carniolan from one commercial source) were whole genome sequenced in order to detect unique stock-based SNPs, indels, and structural variants. Population differentiation based on allele frequencies demonstrated unique genetic structure of these stocks. Many of these stock specific genetic variants can help to characterize the genetic foundation of important traits for selection, such as Varroa sensitive hygiene. This sequence information will help support future marker-assisted selection efforts.