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ARS Home » Pacific West Area » Aberdeen, Idaho » Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #369937

Research Project: Potato Genetic Improvement for Enhanced Tuber Quality and Greater Productivity and Sustainability in Western U.S. Production

Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research

Title: Effect of the level of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” infection on the development of zebra chip disease in different potato genotypes at harvest and post storage

item CRUZADO, REGINA - University Of Idaho
item RASHIDI, MAHNAZ - University Of Idaho
item OLSEN, NORA - University Of Idaho
item Novy, Richard
item WENNINGER, ERIK - University Of Idaho
item BOSQUE-PEREZ, NILSA - University Of Idaho
item KARASEV, ALEXANDER - University Of Idaho
item PRICE, WILLIAM - University Of Idaho
item RASHED, ARASH - University Of Idaho

Submitted to: PLOS ONE
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/3/2020
Publication Date: 4/28/2020
Citation: Cruzado, R., Rashidi, M., Olsen, N., Novy, R.G., Wenninger, E.J., Bosque-Perez, N.A., Karasev, A., Price, W.J., Rashed, A. 2020. Effect of the level of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” infection on the development of zebra chip disease in different potato genotypes at harvest and post storage. PLoS One. 15(4).

Interpretive Summary: Zebra chip disease of potato is caused by a bacterium that is transmitted by an insect (potato psyllid). The disease can cause significant losses in potato quality and yield. Identification of potatoes having resistance or tolerance to the disease would aid in reducing the impact of this disease. Eight potato breeding clones were evaluated for their response to infection by the bacterium responsible for zebra chip disease. Three related breeding clones from family A07781 were derived from the wild species S. chacoense and were found to have a combination of resistance to the causal bacterium and tolerance to the expression of symptoms to zebra chip disease in the tuber making them useful for use in developing zebra chip resistant potato varieties.

Technical Abstract: Potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli Sulc)-transmitted “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” (Lso) has been negatively impacting the potato industry in the United States as well as other potato-producing countries. Lso has been linked to a condition known as zebra chip (ZC) that affects yield and quality of potato tubers. Efforts to find sources of resistance to ZC have primarily focused on greenhouse evaluations based on a single inoculation time prior to harvest. Plant response to infection, however, could be influenced by the developmental stage of the host plant, and ZC may continue to develop after harvest. The objectives of this study were to quantify Lso inoculation success, Lso titer, ZC severity and Lso development during storage in eight potato genotypes. These evaluations were conducted on plants infested with Lso-positive psyllids at 77, 12, and 4 days before vine removal (DBVR). The evaluated genotypes were categorized according to their relative resistance to Lso and tolerance to ZC symptoms. Lso inoculation success in the genotype family A07781, derived from Solanum chacoense, was lower than that of the susceptible control (‘Russet Burbank’). A07781-4LB and A07781-3LB genotypes were characterized relatively resistant to the pathogen and highly tolerant to ZC symptoms, while A07781-10LB was categorized as susceptible to Lso but relatively tolerant to symptom expression. In stored potatoes, increase in Lso concentrations was observed for all infestation times. However, significantly higher Lso titer was detected in tubers infested 12 DBVR and the effect was similar across genotypes. Overall, the A07781 family can be considered as a promising source of resistance or tolerance to ZC.