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Research Project: Improved Quality Assessments of Cotton from Fiber to Final Products

Location: Cotton Structure and Quality Research

Title: Separation of underdeveloped from developed cotton fibers by attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

item Liu, Yongliang
item Kim, Hee-Jin

Submitted to: Microchemical Journal
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/9/2020
Publication Date: 6/12/2020
Citation: Liu, Y., Kim, H.-J. 2020. Separation of underdeveloped from developed cotton fibers by attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Microchemical Journal. 158:105152.

Interpretive Summary: Chemical and structural differences within the fibers at different growth stages have been studied greatly through a number of well-defined protocols in cotton industry. Such a knowledge is of value to cotton breeders and growers for cotton fiber property enhancement. Due to its direct, non-destructive, and rapid attribute, this work examined the utilization of attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy method to discriminate underdeveloped from developed upland near isogenic lines (NILs) fibers, for example, Texas Marker-1 and immature fiber mutant that differ in fiber cellulose biosynthesis. The results showed that first principal component score and R values discriminated underdeveloped from developed fibers, but could not differentiate NILs among both underdeveloped and developed fibers. In contrast, a combination of infrared maturity and crystallinity index improved a separation of NILs within underdeveloped or developed fibers, but a single use of infrared maturity or crystallinity index could not classify underdeveloped from developed fibers effectively. The results implied that ATR FT-IR spectroscopy with algorithm approach enables the classification of underdeveloped from developed fibers and potentially can be used as fiber phenotype screening method.

Technical Abstract: Cotton is an important natural textile commodity and consists of mostly cellulose in developed fibers. Underdeveloped fibers with fewer cellulose were found to cause fiber entanglement during fiber processing and to downgrade the desired color appearance in finished / dyed fabrics. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy was examined to discriminate underdeveloped from developed Upland fibers, which were represented by cotton near isogenic lines (NILs), for example, Texas Marker-1 (TM-1) and immature fiber (im) mutant that differ in fiber cellulose biosynthesis. Developed NIL fibers were harvested from naturally open bolls in the cotton plant, whereas underdeveloped fibers were collected from unopened bolls in which fibers were still growing at various developmental stages. ATR FT-IR spectra of both underdeveloped and developed fibers were analyzed by three algorithms for assessing infrared maturity (MIR), infrared crystallinity (CIIR), and R values, in addition to conventional principal component analysis (PCA). Both the first principal component (PC1) score and the R values discriminated underdeveloped from developed fibers, but could not differentiate NILs among both underdeveloped and developed fibers. Notably, R values differentiated underdeveloped fibers from developed ones better than PC1 score. Although a single use of MIR or CIIR index could not classify underdeveloped from developed fibers effectively, a combination of MIR and CIIR index improved a separation of NILs within underdeveloped or developed fibers. The results suggested that ATR FT-IR spectroscopy with algorithm approach enables the classification of underdeveloped from developed fibers and potentially can be used as fiber phenotype screening method.