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Research Project: Improving Public Health by Understanding Metabolic and Bio-Behavioral Effects of Following Recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Location: Obesity and Metabolism Research

Title: Understanding the intersection of climate/environmental change, health, agriculture and improved nutrition: a case study on micronutrient nutrition and animal source foods

item RAITEN, DANIEL - National Institutes Of Health (NIH)
item Allen, Lindsay
item SLAVIN, JOANNE - University Of Minnesota
item MITLOEHNER, FRANK - University Of California, Davis
item THOMA, GREGORY - University Of Arkansas
item HAGGERTY, PATRICIA - National Instiute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases (NIAID, NIH)
item Finley, John

Submitted to: Current Developments in Nutrition
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/19/2020
Publication Date: 5/27/2020
Citation: Raiten, D.J., Allen, L.H., Slavin, J.L., Mitloehner, F.M., Thoma, G.J., Haggerty, P.A., Finley, J.W. 2020. Understanding the intersection of climate/environmental change, health, agriculture and improved nutrition: a case study on micronutrient nutrition and animal source foods. Current Developments in Nutrition. 4(7).

Interpretive Summary: With a growing global population, the demand for high-quality food to meet nutritional needs continues to increase. Our ability to meet those needs is challenged by a changing environment that includes limited land and water resources and growing concerns about the impact of human activity including agricultural practices on the changing climate. Adaptations that meet food/nutritional demands while avoiding unintended consequences including negatively affecting the environment are needed. This article covers a specific case study, the role of animal source foods (ASFs) in meeting micronutrient needs in a changing environment. The article covers our understanding of the role of ASFs in meeting micronutrient needs, evidence-based approaches to the development of nutrition guidance, the current issues associated with the relation between animal production practices and greenhouse gas emissions, and examples of how we might model the many sources of relevant data to better understand these complex interrelations.

Technical Abstract: With a growing global population, the demand for high-quality food to meet nutritional needs continues to increase. Our ability to meet those needs is challenged by a changing environment that includes constraints on land and water resources and growing concerns about the impact of human activity including agricultural practices on the changing climate. Adaptations that meet food/nutritional demands while avoiding unintended consequences including negatively affecting the environment are needed. This article covers a specific case study, the role of animal source foods (ASFs) in meeting micronutrient needs in a changing environment. The article covers our understanding of the role of ASFs in meeting micronutrient needs, evidence-based approaches to the development of nutrition guidance, the current issues associated with the relation between animal production practices and greenhouse gas emissions, and examples of how we might model the myriad sources of relevant data to better understand these complex interrelations.