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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Auburn, Alabama » Soil Dynamics Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #378959

Research Project: Enhancing Production and Ecosystem Services of Horticultural and Agricultural Systems in the Southeastern United States

Location: Soil Dynamics Research

Title: What is the nutrient composition of FGD gypsum litter after five flocks?

item Watts, Dexter
item Torbert Iii, Henry

Submitted to: American Society of Agronomy Meetings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/1/2020
Publication Date: 2/1/2020
Citation: Watts, D.B., Torbert III, H.A. 2020. What is the nutrient composition of FGD gypsum litter after five flocks?[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. CDROM.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Recent research findings have shown that flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum can be used as an alternative bedding material for broiler production. However, to our knowledge no one has evaluated the nutrient composition of FGD gypsum litter. Thus, a study was conducted to evaluate the change in nutrient composition of FGD gypsum litter vs. pine shavings litter over the course of five subsequent broiler growout periods (9 lbs male birds). Treatments consisted of FGD gypsum, FGD gypsum + pine shaving (50:50 mix), and pine shavings. Each litter type was either decaked or rotovated after each flock. Composite samples for nutrient analysis were collected after bird removal of each flock. The nutrient composition tended to increase with the number of flocks regardless of litter source. Litter nutrients from the decaked litter tended to be higher than that of rotavated for the initial flocks. As the number of flocks increased, generally the nutrient composition of the rotovated litter became similar or greater than that of the decaked litter. The FGD gypsum litter had a slightly lower nutrient composition (except for Ca and S) than that of the pine shavings litter after five flocks.