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Research Project: Management of Specimens and Associated Information in the U.S. National Fungus Collections, with Emphasis on Critically Important Plant Pathogenic Fungi

Location: Mycology and Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Laboratory

Title: Competing sexual-asexual generic names in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota), with recommendations for use

item STALPERS, JOOST - Fungal Biodiversity
item REDHEAD, SCOTT - Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada
item ROSSMAN, AMY - Oregon State University
item Crouch, Joanne
item CUBETA, MARC - North Carolina State University
item KIRSCHNER, ROLAND - National Central University - Taiwan
item LANGER, GITTA - Northwest Research & Outreach Center
item LARSSON, KARL-HENRIK - University Of Oslo
item MARVANOVÁ, LUDMILA - Masaryk University
item MAY, TOM - Royal Botanical Gardens
item NORVELL, LORELEI - Batelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
item OBERWINKLER, FRANZ - University Of Koln
item ROBERTS, PETER - University Of Koln
item RAJCHENBERG, MARIO - Centro Nacional Patagonico, Unidad De Investigacio´n De Ecologi´a Terrestre
item SEIFERT, KEITH - University Of Western Ontario
item THORN, GREG - University Of Western Ontario

Submitted to: IMA Fungus
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2021
Publication Date: 8/11/2021
Citation: Stalpers, J.A., Redhead, S.A., Rossman, A.Y., Crouch, J.A., Cubeta, M.A., Kirschner, R., Langer, G.J., Larsson, K.H., Mack, J., Marvanová, L., May, T.W., Norvell, L.L., Oberwinkler, F., Papp, V., Roberts, P., Rajchenberg, M., Seifert, K.A., Thorn, G. 2021. Competing sexual-asexual generic names in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota), with recommendations for use. IMA Fungus. 12:22.

Interpretive Summary: Recent changes in the rules that dictate how fungi are named make it difficult to know what call some plant pathogenic fungi. In this paper all known information was used to evaluate the correct names for 15 genera and six species in the fungal family Agaromycotina, resulting in 22 new fungal names and three new species. This work is significant because it will allow correct identification of fungi in this large group, including four destructive plant pathogens that affect cereals and grasses worldwide. These results will be used by disease diagnosticians, plant pathologists, and plant quarantine officials who need accurate scientific names to communicate about fungi.

Technical Abstract: With the change to one scientific name for fungal taxa, generic names representing sexual and asexual morphs are being evaluated to determine which names represent the same genus and thus compete for use. In this paper generic names of the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota), were evaluated to determine synonymy based on their type species. Forty-four sets of sexually and asexually typified names were determined to be congeneric and recommendations are made for which generic name to use. In most cases the principle of priority is followed. However, fifteen generic names are recommended for use that do not have priority and thus need to be protected, specifically: Aleurocystis over Matula; Armillaria over Rhizomorpha; Asterophora over Ugola; Botryobasidium over Acladium, Allescheriella, Alysidium, Haplotrichum, Physospora, and Sporocephalium; Coprinellus over Ozonium; Coprinopsis over Rhacophyllus; Craterocolla over Ditangium and Poroidea; Dendrocollybia over Sclerostilbum and Tilachlidiopsis; Diacanthodes over Bornetina; Echinoporia over Echinodia; Postia over Ptychogaster; Riopa over Sporotrichum; Scytinostroma over Michenera and Stereofomes; Typhula over Sclerotium; and Wolfiporia over Pachyma. Six specific names are proposed for protection: Botryobasidium conspersum, B. croceum, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Polyporus metamorphosus (Riopa metamorphosa), P. mylittae (Laccocephalum mylittae) and P. ptychogaster (Postia ptychogaster). Twenty-two new combinations are made and three new species are described.