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Research Project: Improvement of Barley and Oat for Enhanced Productivity, Quality, and Stress Resistance

Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research

Title: Variation in grain protein and leaf nitrogen in diverse spring barley genotypes

item LIANG, XI - University Of Idaho
item Hu, Gongshe
item Satterfield, Kathy
item Evans, Christopher
item JIANG, WEI - Gro Intelligence

Submitted to: Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2021
Publication Date: 4/27/2021
Citation: Liang, X., Hu, G., Satterfield, K.L., Evans, C.P., Jiang, W. 2021. Variation in grain protein and leaf nitrogen in diverse spring barley genotypes. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.

Interpretive Summary: Modern barley breeding requires some low protein lines for craft brewing purpose. Metabolism of protein trait is very complex and the protein levels in the barley grains is easily affected by the growing conditions. Therefore it is difficult to have a barley variety with steadily protein content in the barley production. We selected some malting barley lines and evaluated them in both irrigated and water stressed conditions by measuring the nitrogen levels in both leaves and grains. Our results showed that some lines have both lower nitrogen in leaf and grains. More interestingly some lines are sensitive to water conditions fr the grain n levels while others are not. Those information provide the basic materials for further nitrogen metabolism studies and low protein barley variety development.

Technical Abstract: Requirements of barley grain protein concentration vary depending on the end-use purpose of the grain. High protein levels are desired for high-quality feed and food, whereas relatively low protein levels are preferred for malting. The current study evaluated variation of grain protein concentration and nitrogen (N) concentration in flag leaves among barley genotypes with diverse backgrounds. A panel of 79 spring barley genotypes were grown in field experiments under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions over two growing seasons. Flag leaf N concentration, grain protein concentration, grain yield, and other agronomic parameters were measured for each genotype. Based on grain protein and flag leaf N concentration, four broad genotype categories were found: high values for both, low values for both, low grain protein with high flag leaf N, and high grain protein with low flag leaf N. This grouping suggests variation in N remobilization from vegetative tissues to grain. Germplasm identified in the present study will enable further study of the mechanisms regulating protein accumulation in barley and contribute to the development of barley germplasm for various end uses.