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Research Project: Biological Control in Integrated Weed Management of Invasive Weeds from Europe, Asia, and Africa

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Title: Occurrence of Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka, 2014) (Acari; Prostigmata; Eriophyoidea) on tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima Mill.) is expanding across Europe. First record in France confirmed by Barcoding

item KASHEFI, JAVID - European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL)
item VIDOVIC, BILJANA - University Of Belgrade
item GUERMACHE, FATIHA - European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL)
item CRISTOFARO, MASSIMO - Bbca-Onlus, Italy
item BON, MARIE-CLAUDE - European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL)

Submitted to: Phytoparasitica
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/6/2021
Publication Date: 11/2/2021
Citation: Kashefi, J., Guermache, F., Cristofaro, M., Bon, M. 2021. Occurence of Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka & Érsek) comb. nov. (Acari; Prostigmata; Eriophyoidea) on tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima Mill.) is expanding across Europe. First record in France confirmed by Barcoding. Phytoparasitica.

Interpretive Summary: Ailanthus altissima, commonly known as the tree of heaven, is a fast-growing tree, native to China, Vietnam and Taiwan. Valued as a unique , fast-growing shade tree with the ability to grow on a wide range of habitats, tolerating poor soils and air quality, the species was introduced intentionally for use as an ornamental tree in many countries worldwide. The tree can significantly modify the ecosystems in which it grows due to its extensive root system, resprouting ability, and prolific seed production. The control of this invasive weed is very difficult and among the different control strategies classical biological control is considered as one of the most sustainable methods. In 2020, in the city of Colombes, near Paris in France, the first author collected distorted and yellowish leaflets with edges rolled from several A. altissima trees. Examination of this plant material with a stereo dissecting microscope revealed the presence of an unexpected high number of Eriophyid mites. By some morphological features, these mites looked similar to Aculus mosoniensis, first recorded in 2016 in Hungary. The DNA analysis of these mites and their comparison with samples of A. mosoniensis collected by Massimo Cristofaro at BBCA in Roma, Italy, confirmed the morphological identification of the mites isolated in France. This publication is a first report of the presence of an eriophyid mite from tree-of-heaven in France, and moreover of A. mosoniensis. This report opens the door to future research using this mite as a biological control agent of Tree of Heaven considering the high host specificity of most Eriophyoid mites.

Technical Abstract: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle 1916, commonly known as the tree of heaven, is a fast-growing deciduous tree, native to China, Vietnam and Taiwan. Valued as a unique, fast-growing shade tree with the ability to grow on a wide range of habitats, tolerating poor soils and air quality, the species was introduced intentionally for use as an ornamental tree in many countries worldwide. Nowadays, Tree of Heaven is considered as one of the most invasive weeds in Europe, North America and many other areas of the world. It can significantly modify the ecosystems in which it grows. Due to its extensive root system, resprouting ability, and prolific seed production, this invasive weed remains very difficult to control using conventional methods, leading to consider the classical biological control as a possible sustainable strategy to counteract the otherwise unrestrainable spread of this weed. In 2020, the first author when conducting field observations in Ailanthus populations in the city of Colombes, near Paris in France, looking for candidate biocontrol agent, observed distorted and yellowish leaflets with edges rolled on several trees. Examination of these leaflets using a stereo dissecting microscope revealed the presence of an unexpected high number of Eriophyid mites on their underside. By some morphological features, these mites looked similar to Aculus mosoniensis Ripka (Acari; Prostigmata; Eriophyoidea), first recorded in 2016 in Hungary. The "DNA barcode”, a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was analyzed in these mites and compared with barcodes obtained in Italian voucher specimens of A. mosoniensis isolated and maintained by Massimo Cristofaro at BBCA in Roma, Italy. The analysis confirmed the morphological identification of the mites isolated in France. This publication is a first report of the presence of an eriophyid mite from tree-of-heaven in France, and moreover of A. mosoniensis. This report opens the door to future research using this mite as a biological control agent of Tree of Heaven considering the high host specificity of most Eriophyid mites.