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Research Project: Utilizing Genetic Diversity within Phaseolus vulgaris to Develop Dry Beans with Enhanced Functional Properties

Location: Sugarbeet and Bean Research

Title: A pilot-scale dry bean canning and evaluation protocol

item WANG, W - Michigan State University
item WRIGHT, EVAN - Michigan State University
item UEBERSAX, M - Michigan State University
item Cichy, Karen

Submitted to: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/27/2021
Publication Date: 11/24/2021
Citation: Wang, W., Wright, E.M., Uebersax, M., Cichy, K.A. 2021. A pilot-scale dry bean canning and evaluation protocol. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. Article e16171.

Interpretive Summary: Consumer utilization of dry beans is limited by the inconvenience of preparation and long cooking times. Canned beans are an important form of delivery of fully cooked, shelf-stable, whole beans to consumers. The canning process for beans is largely used to precook, preserve, and in some cases, add flavor to beans. Through this type of processing, the beans are maintained as whole seed in the same form as the raw agricultural commodity. Canning quality is a measure of how well beans withstand the canning process and is affected by many factors including bean variety and post-harvest seed handling. Canning quality is an important consideration for variety improvement in bean breeding programs. A standardized canning processing and evaluation protocol allows researchers to obtain consistent results and breeders to effectively incorporate canning quality as a selection criteria in the variety development process. This pilot-scale dry bean canning and evaluation protocol provides a detailed step by step method of canning and quality evaluation for major US dry bean market classes. The post canning process evaluation includes appearance ratings by a trained sensory panel and objective measures of water uptake, color and texture. This protocol has been applied on 28 genotypes of 10 major U.S dry bean market classes to show the expected variability. In addition, a virtual canning quality training and evaluation methods have been implemented for enhanced data quality, flexibility and engagement of the process.

Technical Abstract: Dry beans are a nutrient dense food that generally requires long cooking times. Canned beans provide consumers safe and convenient access to this nutritious food. Canning quality is a measure of how well beans withstand the canning process and is affected by many factors including bean genotype, growing conditions, and post- harvest seed handling. The evaluation of canning quality has long been an important consideration for variety improvement in bean breeding programs. This pilot-scale dry bean canning and evaluation protocol provides a detailed step- by-step method of canning and quality evaluation for major U.S. dry bean market classes. The post- canning process evaluation includes appearance rating by a trained sensory panel and objective measures of water uptake, color, and texture. In addition, virtual canning quality training and evaluation methods have been implemented for enhanced data quality, flexibility, and engagement in the process.