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Research Project: Genetics and Genomics of Introduced Species for Biological Control of Invasive Species

Location: Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit

Title: Assemblies of the genomes of parasitic wasps using meta-assembly and scaffolding with genetic linkage

item Wittmeyer, Kameron
item OPPENHEIM, SARA - American Museum Of Natural History
item Hopper, Keith

Submitted to: G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/25/2021
Publication Date: 11/9/2021
Citation: Wittmeyer, K.T., Oppenheim, S.J., Hopper, K.R. 2021. Assemblies of the genomes of parasitic wasps using meta-assembly and scaffolding with genetic linkage. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 12:1.

Interpretive Summary: Safe, effective biological-control introductions against invasive pests depend on narrowly host-specific natural enemies with the ability to adapt to a changing environment. As part of a project on the genetic architectures of these traits, we assembled and annotated the genomes of two species of aphid parasites. For one species, we made several assemblies with different data and assembly programs, which we combined into a meta-assembly. We scaffolded the meta-assembly with markers from a genetic map made with hybrids between the two species. We used the genetic-linkage scaffolded assembly of one species to scaffold an assembly of the other species. Scaffolding with genetic-linkage data allowed chromosomal-level assembly of the genome of the first species, and scaffolding an assembly of the other species with this chromosomal-level assembly greatly increased the continuity of the assembly of the other species. More continuous assemblies can help in identifying the genes associated with quantitative trait loci and understanding of chromosomal rearrangements associated with speciation.

Technical Abstract: Safe, effective biological-control introductions against invasive pests depend on narrowly host-specific natural enemies with the ability to adapt to a changing environment. As part of a project on the genetic architectures of these traits, we assembled and annotated the genomes of two aphid parasitoids, APHELINUS ATRIPLICIS and APHELINUS CERTUS. We report here several assemblies made using Illumina and PacBio data, which we combined into a meta-assembly. We scaffolded the meta-assembly with markers from a genetic map of hybrids between A. ATRIPLICIS and A. CERTUS. We used the genetic-linkage scaffolded (GLS) assembly of A. ATRIPLICIS to scaffold a de novo assembly of A. CERTUS. The de novo assemblies differed in contiguity, and the meta-assembly was more contiguous than the best de novo assembly. Scaffolding with genetic-linkage data allowed chromosomal-level assembly of the A. ATRIPLICIS genome, and scaffolding a de novo assembly of A. CERTUS WITH this GLS assembly, greatly increased the contiguity of the A. CERTUS assembly. However, completeness of the A. ATRIPLICIS assembly, as measured by percent of the complete, single-copy BUSCO hymenopteran genes, varied little among de novo assemblies and was not increased by meta-assembly or genetic scaffolding. Furthermore, the greater contiguity of the meta-assembly and GLS assembly had little or no effect on the numbers of genes identified, the proportion with homologs or functional annotations. Increased contiguity of the A. CERTUS assembly provided modest improvement in assembly completeness, as measured by the percent complete, single-copy BUSCO hymenopteran genes. The total genic sequence increased, and while the number of genes declined, gene length increased, which together suggests greater accuracy of gene models. More contiguous assemblies provide uses other than gene annotation, for example, identifying the genes associated with quantitative trait loci and understanding of chromosomal rearrangements associated with speciation.