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Research Project: Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency and Mitigating Nutrient and Pathogen Losses from Dairy Production Systems

Location: Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management Research

Title: Herbage accumulation and nutritive value of stockpiled limpograsses and 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass

item SANTOS, ERICK - University Of Florida
item DUBEUX, JOSE - University Of Florida
item Jaramillo, David
item GARCIA, LIZA - University Of Florida
item VENDRAMINI, JOAO - University Of Florida
item DOLORENZO, NICOLAS - University Of Florida
item QUEIROZ, LUANA - University Of Florida
item PEREIRA-NETO, JOSE - Federal Rural University Of Pernambuco
item DE ABREU, DACIELE - Federal University Of Lavras
item RUIZ-MORENO, MARTIN - University Of Florida

Submitted to: Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/2/2021
Publication Date: 1/19/2022
Citation: Santos, E., Dubeux, J., Jaramillo, D.M., Garcia, L., Vendramini, J., Dolorenzo, N., Queiroz, L., Pereira-Neto, J., De Abreu, D., Ruiz-Moreno, M. 2022. Herbage accumulation and nutritive value of stockpiled limpograsses and 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 8(1):1-7.

Interpretive Summary: Stockpiling limpograss may be an alternative method for extending the grazing season in sub-tropical regions. This study evaluated the herbage accumulation and nutritive value (crude protein and digestibility) of four limpograss varieties (‘Floralta’, ‘Gibtuck’, ‘Kenhy’, and Line 1) and ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.), during the growing and stockpiling seasons. The growing season was from May to August, and stockpiling season was from September to January. Treatments during the growing season were the five grasses (4 limpograss varieties, and Tifton 85 bermudagrass). During the stockpiling period, treatments were allocated in a split-plot arrangement with grasses (main plot) and four stockpiling periods (5, 10, 15 or 20 wk.; sub-plot). During the growth period, all grasses had similar total herbage accumulation (mean = 8150 lb. DM ac-1), and Gibtuck had greater herbage accumulation per harvest than Kenhy and Line 1 (2360 vs. 1940 lb. DM ac-1, respectively). Regardless of the length of the stockpiling period, herbage accumulation was similar among treatments. At 15 wk of stockpiling, herbage accumulation was maximized during both years. In general, limpograsses had greater IVDOM and lesser CP concentrations than Tifton 85 during growth and stockpiling periods. The decline in IVDOM concentration was slower for stockpiled limpograss than in Tifton 85, with greater differences occurring at 15 and 20 wk. Stockpiling limpograss may be an alternative to extend the grazing season in livestock operations, however protein supplementation might be needed to sustain or improve animal performance.

Technical Abstract: Stockpiling limpograss may be an option to extend the grazing season, however, the potential of this forage has not been broadly studied in north Florida. This 2-yr study evaluated herbage accumulation (HA), in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), and crude protein (CP) concentrations of four limpograss [Hemarthria altissima (Poir.) Stapf & C.E. Hubb.] entries (‘Floralta’, ‘Gibtuck’, ‘Kenhy’, and Line 1) and ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.spp.] during the growth (May to Aug.) and stockpiling (Sept. to Jan.) periods. During the growth period, treatments were the 5 grasses. During the stockpiling period, treatments were allocated in a split-plot arrangement with 5 grasses (main plot) and four stockpiling periods (5, 10, 15 or 20 wk.; sub-plot). Limpograsses entries and Tifton 85 had similar total HA (mean = 8150 lb. DM ac-1) during the growth period., nonetheless, and Gibtuck had greater HA per harvest than Kenhy and Line 1 (2360 vs. 1940 lb. DM ac-1, respectively). Regardless of stockpiling periodled wk. HA was similar among treatments. At 15 wk, HA was optimized in both years, despite being similar to 10 and 20 wk in the first year . In general, limpograsses had greater IVDOM and lesser CP concentration than Tifton 85 during both growth and stockpiling periods. The decline in IVDOM was slower for stockpiled limpograss than in Tifton 85, with greater differences occurring at 15 and 20 wk. Stockpiling limpograss may be an alternative to extend the grazing season in livestock operations, however protein supplementation might be needed to maintain/ or improve animal performance.