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Research Project: Improvement of Barley and Oat for Enhanced Productivity, Quality, and Stress Resistance

Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research

Title: Registration of three winter malting barley lines

item Hu, Gongshe
item Evans, Christopher
item Satterfield, Kathy
item Ellberg, Sherry

Submitted to: Journal of Plant Registrations
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/22/2022
Publication Date: 8/8/2022
Citation: Hu, G., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Ellberg, S. 2022. Registration of three winter malting barley lines. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16: 622-625.

Interpretive Summary: Winter type barley has several advantages over spring type barley including higher yield potential, better usage of natural resources like water, and earlier harvest time which could help minimize certain diseases like fusarium head blight. We have developed three winter malt barley germplasm lines that have similar or better yield, with good malting quality profiles, as additional selections to currently used varieties. Release of these elite germplasm lines will provide more materials for breeding programs in their winter barley development and enrich the genetic pool in the national germplasm collection program.

Technical Abstract: Germplasm lines are the most important genetic resources for variety development. ARS669W, ARS671W, and ARS431W are three high yield and good malting quality two-rowed winter type malting barley germplasm lines developed by the USDA-ARS breeding program at Aberdeen, Idaho. All three germplasm lines have been evaluated in 23 trials. Compared to the checks, all three lines have about the same or higher yield potentials. The lodging resistance of ARS669W and ARS671W is similar to the checks, but better than ARS431W. The test weight of three lines was like Endeavor and higher than Charles. The winter survival rates are all the same statistically. Malting evaluation results showed acceptable quality profiles with specific quality traits including high extract, low protein content, and low beta-glucan for the years tested. These lines are good winter malting barley genetic stocks for future breeding or for further evaluation as possible varieties.