Location: Crop Improvement and Protection Research
Title: Managing losses to Fusarium wilt disease with resistant varietiesAuthor
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Other Publication Acceptance Date: 2/15/2022 Publication Date: 2/15/2022 Citation: Henry, P.M. 2022. Managing losses to Fusarium wilt disease with resistant varieties. Management of Fusarium wilt and Other Soilborne Fungal Diseases for Organic Growers Meeting, February 15, 2022 (virtual). Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Fusarium wilt disease constrains on fresh fruit and vegetable production worldwide. This disease is caused by host-specific strains of Fusarium oxysporum that are classified into ‘formae speciales’ by their host specific pathogenicity phenotype. Formae speciales are further sub-classified into ‘races’ based on their ability to cause disease on cultivars with specific resistance genes. This complex nomenclature system is necessary due to the meaningful diversity among isolates of F. oxysporum and poses challenges to effective communication to non-technical audiences. This presentation clarifies this nomenclature by explaining the simple genetics underlying ‘race’ designations and translating this system into effective management strategies. Specifically, it is necessary to grow varieties that are resistant to the race present in the field, otherwise there will be no benefit for disease control. When the correct resistant varieties are selected, growers will achieve complete disease control and will need to rely less upon other management strategies. |