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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Canal Point, Florida » Sugarcane Field Station » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #392301

Research Project: Identification of Resistant Germplasm and Markers Associated with Resistance to Major Diseases of Sugarcane

Location: Sugarcane Field Station

Title: Effect of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in the second clonal stage of the Canal Point cultivar development program

item Sood, Sushma
item Gordon, Vanessa
item Coto Arbelo, Orlando

Submitted to: International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/5/2022
Publication Date: 2/15/2023
Citation: Sood, S.G., Gordon, V.S., Coto Arbelo, O. 2023. Effect of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus in the second clonal stage of the Canal Point cultivar development program. International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Proceedings. 31:230-235.

Interpretive Summary: Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) is an economically significant pathogen causing yield losses of up to 50% in susceptible clones. Clones in the second clonal stage (Stage 2) of the Canal Point Cultivar Development Program (CPCDP) and reference cultivars were screened to determine SCYLV infection using tissue-blot immunoassay. Eleven percent of clones in Stage 2 were infected with the SCYLV. The severity of SCYLV ranges from infection to 20-100% of plants. The 1534 test clones were derived from 400 crosses that utilized 127 female and 86 male parents in various combinations; 70% of these crosses and 46% of the males, and 54% of the females produced SCYLV-free clones. The results show that SCYLV can infect many susceptible clones in less than three years of exposure from seed germination to Stage 2. However, the effect of SCYLV infection on yield was insignificant in this study. Therefore, selecting the SCYLV-resistant cultivars is not needed in the CPCDP. The yield losses from SCYLV should be limited by planting virus-free seed cane and good agronomic practices in Florida.

Technical Abstract: Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) is an economically significant pathogen as it can cause yield losses of 11% to 50% in susceptible clones. Clones (1534) in the second clonal stage (Stage 2) of the Canal Point Cultivar Development Program (CPCDP), three reference cultivars, CP78-1628, CP96-1252, and CP00-1101, and three disease spreader cultivars, CP88-1762, CPCL02-6848, and CP 01-2390, were screened to determine SCYLV infection using tissue-blot immunoassay. One hundred seventy-three clones (11%) were infected with the SCYLV, 29 had 100% SCYLV infection, 19 had 80%, 30 had 60%, 38 had 40%, 57 had 20% of SCYLV infection, and 1361 clones had no SCYLV (0%) infection. The 1534 test clones were derived from 400 crosses that utilized 127 female and 86 male parents in various combinations; 70% of these crosses and 46% of the males, and 54% of the females produced SCYLV-free clones. Reference and disease spreader cultivar CPCL02-6848 had 48% infection, followed by CP 88-1762 with 38% infection, CP96-1252 with 13% infection, CP01-2390 with 6% infection, CP00-1101 with 5% infection, and CP78-1628 with 3%. The results show that SCYLV can infect many susceptible clones within three years of exposure from seed germination to Stage 2. However, the effect of SCYLV infection on yield was insignificant in this study. Therefore, selecting the SCYLV-resistant cultivars is not needed in the CPCDP. The yield losses from SCYLV should be limited by planting virus-free seed cane and good agronomic practices in Florida.