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Research Project: Nutrition, Sarcopenia, Physical Function, and Skeletal Muscle Capacity During Aging

Location: Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center On Aging

Title: Defining terms commonly used in sarcopenia research: a glossary proposed by the global leadership in sarcopenia (glis) steering committee

item CAWTHON, PEGGY - California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute
item VISSER, MAJOLEIN - University Of Amsterdam
item ARAI, HIDENORI - National Center For Geriatrics And Gerontology
item CRUZ-JENTOFT, ALFONSO - Hospital Ramon Y Cajal
item KIEL, DOUGLAS - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
item KIRK, BEN - University Of Melbourne
item ROCCO, BARAZZONI - University Of Trieste
item AVAN, SAYER - Newcastle University
item COOPER, CYRUS - Newcastle University
item BINDER, ELLEN - Washington University
item LANDI, FRANCESCO - Catholic University Of The Sacred Heart Italy
item DUQUE, GUSTAVO - University Of Melbourne
item WOO, JEAN - The Chinese University Of Hong Kong (CUHK)
item AVILA-FUNES, JOSE - University Of Melbourne
item CHEN, LIANG-KUNG - Taipei Veterans General Hospital
item BRUYERE, OLIVIER - University Of Liege
item FIELDING, ROGER - Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center On Aging At Tufts University
item BHASIN, SHALENDER - Brigham & Women'S Hospital
item HAEHLING, STEPHEN - University Medicine Gottingen (UMG)
item CEDERHOLM, TOMMY - The Chinese University Of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Submitted to: European Geriatric Medicine
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/8/2022
Publication Date: 11/29/2022
Citation: Cawthon, P.M., Visser, M., Arai, H., Cruz-Jentoft, A.J., Kiel, D.P., Kirk, B., Rocco, B., Avan, S., Cooper, C., Binder, E., Landi, F., Duque, G., Woo, J., Avila-Funes, J.A., Chen, L., Bruyere, O., Fielding, R., Bhasin, S., Haehling, S.V., Cederholm, T. 2022. Defining terms commonly used in sarcopenia research: a glossary proposed by the global leadership in sarcopenia (glis) steering committee. European Geriatric Medicine.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Methods: The aim of this paper is to define terms commonly related to sarcopenia to enable standardization of these terms in research and clinical settings. The Global Leadership Initiative in Sarcopenia (GLIS) aims to bring together leading investigators in sarcopenia research to develop a single definition that can be utilized worldwide. The first step of GLIS is to develop the common terminology, or a glossary, that will facilitate agreement on a global definition of sarcopenia as well as interpretation of clinical and research findings. Results: Several terms that are commonly used in sarcopenia research are defined, including self-reported measures of function and ability; objective physical performance tests; and measures related to muscle function and size. Conclusion: As new methods and technologies are developed, these definitions may be expanded or refined over time. Our goal is to promote this common language to describe sarcopenia and its components in clinical and research settings in order to increase clinical awareness and research interest in this important condition. We hope that the use of common terminology in sarcopenia research will increase understanding of the concept and improve communication around this important age-related condition.