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ARS Home » Plains Area » Brookings, South Dakota » Integrated Cropping Systems Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #403207

Research Project: Enhancing Insect Ecosystem Services that Benefit Modern Cropping Systems

Location: Integrated Cropping Systems Research

Title: USDA-ARS, South Dakota, State Report 2022

item Hesler, Louis

Submitted to: National Information Management and Support System
Publication Type: Other
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/13/2023
Publication Date: 5/15/2023
Citation: Hesler, L.S. 2023. USDA-ARS, South Dakota, State Report 2022. National Information Management and Support System (NIMMS) SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report: 2022 S1080 (Improving Soybean Arthropod Pest Management in the U.S.)--State Reports. In: S1080 REPORTS MERGED, p. 62., Ed. Anonymous.

Interpretive Summary: The USDA-ARS North Central Agricultural Research Lab in Brookings, South Dakota participated as one site in a multi-location project funded by the North Central Soybean Regional Project on advancing aphid resistant soybeans through a public-private partnership. As part of that project, soybean plots were planted near Brookings, SD, in 2022 with an experimental soybean line that had two resistant genes for managing soybean aphid. The levels of soybean aphids on the resistant plants within the plots were very low, even approaching zero. In contrast, soybean aphid levels in alternating buffer strips of aphid-susceptible soybean were very high, causing yellowing and curling of soybean leaves and extensive amounts of sooty mold on soybean foliage. Other insect pests such as defoliators and stink bugs were monitored on the aphid-resistant plants in the plots, but levels of these other pests were quite low. In addition to the NCSRP project, we reported a newly described species of long-legged fly, known by its scientific name as Chrysotus soya , that was found in soybean plots near Brookings, South Dakota.

Technical Abstract: The USDA-ARS North Central Agricultural Research Lab in Brookings, South Dakota participated as one site in a multi-location project funded by the North Central Soybean Regional Project on advancing aphid resistant soybeans through a public-private partnership. As part of that project, soybean plots were planted near Brookings, SD, in 2022 with an experimental soybean line that had two resistant genes for managing soybean aphid. The levels of soybean aphids on the resistant plants within the plots were very low, even near zero. In contrast, soybean aphid levels in alternating buffer strips of aphid-susceptible soybean were very high, causing yellowing and curling of soybean leaves and extensive amounts of sooty mold on soybean foliage. Other insect pests such as defoliators and stink bugs were monitored on the aphid-resistant plants in the plots, but levels of these other pests were quite low. In addition to the NCSRP project, we reported a newly described species of long-legged fly, Chrysotus soya (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), found in soybean plots near Brookings, South Dakota.